Chris Newman
02 June, 2023

Secondary School Update (02 June 2023)

Secondary School Update (02 June 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Secondary School Update

Weekly update from Head of Secondary

Dear Parents,

The graduation ceremony on Saturday 27 May was a significant milestone in the lives of our Year 13 students and the school, marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. 

As educators, it fills us with excitement and anticipation to witness the limitless potential that awaits our graduates. We are eager to see where life takes them and what adventures lie ahead. 

We hope that the knowledge and skills our students have acquired during their time at BIS serve as a compass, guiding them through any uncharted territory and helping them keep their feet on the ground during tough times.  

We also hope that BIS has become a second home that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. 

We look forward to hearing from Class of 2023 in the years to come and connecting with them as alumni. It gives us teachers no greater pleasure than hearing from past students. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank parents for the many years of nurturing and support. Your decision to enroll your child in a good school reflects the care and investment in the future. Without parents' love, the achievements of our students would not have been possible.  

Key Dates 

  • June 5th : Art & STEAM Exhibition
  • June 5th: Year 9 Tutor Connect 
  • June 6th: Year 7 Tutor Connect 
  • June 7th: Year 10 Tutor Connect 
  • June 8th: Year 12 Tutor Connect 
  • June 8th: Year 12 Group 4 Project 
  • June 8th : Prom (Years 10-12), 5:30pm - 9:30pm 
  • June 9th: Year 8 Tutor Connect 
  • June 12th-14th: Year 11 Trip 
  • June 13th: Years 7-9 Party 
  • June 15th-16th: IB Headstart Days 
  • June 23rd: Final Day of School, students leave at 12:35pm  

Pastoral Update

As we approach the end of the academic year, Year 7s are taking the opportunity to celebrate and reflect on our first year in Secondary school. Our Wellbeing topic this year has been ‘Relationships’ and our dedicated team of form tutors have led some thought-provoking workshops on ‘Making Friends Online’, ‘The Importance of Sleep’, ‘Families and Conflict’ and ‘Toxic Masculinity’. Through these topics, students have been able to engage in engaging discussions and have the opportunity to open their minds to a range of current global issues.


As the term comes to an end, we look forward to next week’s tutor connect sessions, where tutors, students, and parents will come together to reflect on goals set at the beginning of this year, celebrate their progress, and look forward to new challenges in Year 8. We also have some House sports and drama events to grab some all-important last-minute points to bump up this year’s final totals! 

What a fantastic first year in Secondary School – I can’t wait to see what we achieve in Year 8 and beyond! 


Ms. Emily Brawn 

Head of Year 7

Secondary Learning Showcase

BIS Summer Concert blasted the crowds with a wonderfully diverse series of performances, attracting more than 300 visitors to our school.



Taking place on the 31st of May in the auditorium, BIS Summer Concert was composed of 12 acts, ranging from theater, orchestra, choir to dance and was performed incredibly well by students from all the year groups.


Introduced by our MC hosts Nguyen Anh and Minh Hung from Year 10, the concert began with a lovely, cheerful mash-up of music from the Primary Collaboration of Choir, Band Project and Ukulele Club and quickly moved onto an act from Primary Choir on the song “Somewhere Only We Know”. Primary Dance Club proceeded, bringing a dynamic and powerful contrast to the soothing melodies of the choir. A loud and energetic collaboration between Brass Band and Percussion CCA, a rousing solo sung by Performing Arts veteran Minh Uyen and a moving rendition of David Bowie’s ‘Heros’ completed out first half.

Performances transition swiftly from one to another, with a very relaxing background piano music in the interlude to constantly keep the audience engaged. The lightning is worth an applause, not only manipulating the mood of the performance but also adding occasional surprises to the pieces.



The second half opened with imaginative and humorous pieces of Shadow Theatre from the Year 9 Drama students and a delightful performance by the Ukulele club of “Memories”. Secondary Dance students shone in their performances from the intricate choreography in the BISC Dance group’s piece to the powerful message in the Secondary Dance Company’s ‘Addicted to Tech’ closing number. And not to forget the oh-so-sweet and very informative introduction to the P-Buzz from Year 3 students.


All in all it was a fabulous evening showcasing the wide range of inclusivity and talent that we are lucky to nurture here in Performing Arts at BIS Hanoi. A huge congratulations and thank you to all of those involved!



Written by Bui Gia Khanh Pham (Year 10 BISC Dance Student) and Emily Brawn (Performing Arts Teacher)