Chris Newman
19 May, 2023

Secondary School Update (19 May 2023)

Secondary School Update (19 May 2023) | BIS Hanoi - Secondary School Update

Weekly update from Head of Secondary

Dear Parents,

It was a pleasure this week to host Erin, a music specialist from Juilliard who has been working with our school on our music education provision over the last few years. It was her first time visiting our campus after the COVID years, and I know she greatly enjoyed spending two days with our teachers and students this week.

As a Nord Anglia Education school, we benefit enormously from our close partnership with Juilliard, and music education is an example of that. Music has always been an integral part of our school curriculum. Studies have shown that the benefits of musical training extend far beyond simply learning how to play an instrument or sing a song. Music education can equip students with important skills that are valuable throughout their lives.

Firstly, music education has been known to improve language development in younger children. Learning how to read music and play instruments requires the development of strong cognitive, linguistic, and motor skills. These skills can translate into improved literacy and verbal abilities, thereby increasing academic achievement.

Secondly, music education can also enhance a student’s ability to think logically and solve problems. Learning to play an instrument involves reading notes and comprehending new techniques; these skills can help develop critical thinking and analytical abilities. This can result in students performing better on problem-solving tasks across different subject areas.

Finally, music education can provide a creative outlet for students who may not excel in traditional academics. With such an outlet, students can become more engaged in school, enjoy learning, and develop a sense of pride in their achievements.

Overall, music education has a range of benefits for students in both primary and secondary schools. Beyond being fun and enhancing creativity, music education develops key life skills that can help students excel in different fields whilst growing as well-rounded individuals.

Chris Newman 

Head of Secondary

Key Dates

May 23rd-25th: Year 13 Trip 

May 27th: Year 13 Graduation ceremony at Sheraton Hotel, 1:30pm - 5:00pm

May 31st: Performing Arts Summer Spectacular 

June 5th : Art & STEAM Exhibition begins 

June 5th: Year 9 Tutor Connect 

June 6th: Year 7 Tutor Connect 

June 7th: Year 10 Tutor Connect 

June 8th: Year 12 Tutor Connect 

June 8th: Year 12 Group 4 Project 

June 8th : Prom (Years 10-12), 5:30pm - 9:30pm 

June 9th: Year 8 Tutor Connect 

June 12th-14th: Year 11 Trip 

June 13th: Years 7-9 Party 

June 15th-16th: IB Headstart Days 

June 23rd: Final Day of School, students leave at 12:35pm