Sue Hill
Sue Hill
11 May, 2020

Return to school

20200511    Welcome Back7
Return to school

Dear Parents,

Last week, the secondary students lead the way back to school and this morning was full of smiles, anticipation and excitement as we saw the return of the first phase of primary students. Tomorrow we will welcome Year 3, Year 5, F1 and F2 and then all classes across the school will be operational.

The past few weeks have called on everyone to work in ways they never thought possible. Teachers have developed their use and aptitude in a range of technologies and have been creative in their offer of a virtual school. Developing strategies to keep students actively involved and motivated whilst introducing a new etiquette for using Google Meet has been quite a challenge.

For our children, adapting to a new way of delivery has meant preparing for a very different way of engagement. Instead of having a teacher keeping them on task during a timetabled lesson, students have had to ensure they are disciplined and well-organised. Some students have relished this type of learning; enjoying the independent approach and feedback from teachers on-line. For others, this has been hugely challenging.

Likewise, our parent community have also been on a challenging journey!  I’ve heard from parents who have seen the development of impressive levels of independence in their children. Other parents have sent in positive feedback of how they have enjoyed working with their children on the tasks set.

One thing is certain, to be successful in these times of uncertainty has required a great deal of perseverance and unlimited positivity!

As we move forward as a community of learners, the first task is to establish where our students are in their learning journeys. Teachers know from attendance levels and completion of tasks that whilst the virtual school has seen great progress for some students, for others this has been less so.  After settling students back into school, a range of different types of assessment will be carried out. When gaps in knowledge are identified, intervention groups will be formed to ensure learning is targeted. The extension of our school day will provide 5 extra hours per week and it is our aim to use this extra time productively.

I thank you all for the part you have played in our virtual school and we look forward to updating you on your child’s learning journey as the term unfolds.