Year 13 "Theory of Knowledge" Presentation - year-13-theory-of-knowledge-presentation
Nord Anglia
01 November, 2019

Year 13 "Theory of Knowledge" Presentation

Year 13 "Theory of Knowledge" Presentation On Thursday and Friday, Year 13 delivered some outstanding presentations for their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) IB diploma course. The quality was particularly high this year with a small number of students even achieving full marks.

On Thursday and Friday, Year 13 delivered some outstanding presentations for their Theory of Knowledge (TOK) IB diploma course. The quality was particularly high this year with a small number of students even achieving full marks.

TOK provides students with an opportunity to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know.  The TOK presentation tests students understanding of TOK concepts (such as bias) in relation to a real-life situation. Our students chose to explore real-life situations ranging from the purpose of WWI propaganda posters, judging the value of artwork, evocative newspaper articles about current conflict to the validity of scientific experiments. From their chosen real-life scenarios, students developed a knowledge question to explore how this knowledge was produced.

In the presentations, students discussed a range of Ways of Knowing (such as emotion, reason, intuition and language) and Areas of Knowledge (such as Natural Science, the Arts, Ethics and History). Students produced astute claims and counterclaims about their knowledge in a very compelling way. The arguments were often well-structured, credible and insightful.

Congratulations to all those Year 13s who presented today!

Emma Graham

CAS and TOK Coordinator, Teacher of English