Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 October, 2024

Shaping Tomorrow's Leaders: Ms. Harvey's Journey through International Education

Shaping Tomorrows Leaders - Shaping Tomorrows Leaders
My journey finished this time last year upon the submission of my 12,000-word dissertation, however it started several years earlier with my first application into the master's in international education at King's College London programme. In 2019, my application was approved by Nord Anglia, but I was unsuccessful in the second round at the King's College London stage.  Determined not to let this setback stop me, I researched the course and the college further and applied again in 2020. This time, I was successful in both rounds and was delighted to receive a letter confirming I would start the master's programme in September 2021.

Embarking on this journey toward a master's in international education at King's College London has been a transformative experience, one I am grateful to have pursued despite setbacks and perceived barriers.  This pursuit, made possible by the support and encouragement of Nord Anglia Education (NAE), has not only deepened my understanding, but has also empowered me to contribute meaningfully to the evolution of educational practices within our global school community. 

As a teacher and leader working within an international school, the opportunity to focus specifically on international education was prefect for me. In today's interconnected world, the significance of intercultural education cannot be overstated. As our societies become increasingly diverse, nurturing intercultural skills and fostering a sense of belonging is paramount. This is especially true for international schools like ours, where students and staff come from diverse backgrounds, bringing with them a tapestry of experiences, perspectives and world views. The master's programme delved deep into topics such as leadership, intercultural competence, global awareness, third culture kids (TCKs), and the nuances of language acquisition, equipping us with the tools to navigate the complexities of a multicultural environment such as BIS Abu Dhabi which caters to an incredible 97 different nationalities. 

For me, one of the most rewarding aspects of this journey has been the opportunity to collaborate and engage in professional dialogue with colleagues from across the NAE network and beyond. Through weekly seminars, webinars, and online forums, we were able to draw upon a wealth of knowledge and experiences, enriching our understanding of international education. The sense of camaraderie fostered through platforms like virtual meetings and WhatsApp further enhanced this collaborative spirit, turning distant colleagues into allies in our quest for knowledge and growth. It is true you don’t know what you don’t know, so having the lecturers and experts in the field share resources and facilitate discussions was invaluable, opening our eyes to previously unknown or unfamiliar aspects of international education. 

Central to the master's programme was the completion of a dissertation, a culmination of our research and reflections on key issues in international education. For me, this meant exploring the intersection of leadership, EDIB (Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity and Belonging) and intercultural education within a Middle Eastern international school. This research led me to explore topics such as bias, prejudice, and inclusive education, prompting critical reflections on my own (and colleagues) experiences and assumptions.   

As I delved deeper into the research, I was inspired by the work of scholars such as Darla Deardorf, Geneva Gay, and Gloria Ladson-Billings, whose insights informed not only my dissertation but also our school's policies and practices.  By incorporating principles of equality, diversity, inclusivity, and belonging (EDIB) into our educational framework and School Improvement Plan, we strive to create an environment where every student feels valued and empowered to succeed.  Positive changes include enhanced staff training, collaboration with subject leads to diversify curricula reflecting student needs and cultures, the enactment of an EDIB policy, regular EDIB assemblies and the establishment of student and staff working groups to promote cultural competence, intercultural education, and all aspects of EDIB throughout the school community. 

The impact of this journey extends far beyond the confines of academia. By integrating the principles of intercultural education into our daily practices, we empower our students to navigate an increasingly globalised world with empathy, respect, and understanding. Through initiatives informed by research and guided by principles of inclusivity, we aim to cultivate a community where diversity is celebrated, and every voice is heard. 

Looking back on this journey, I am grateful for the opportunity to have pursued my passion for education while contributing to the advancement of our school community. I am also grateful to have finally met several of my cohort during graduation in the Royal Festive Hall, London.  As I embark on the next phase of my career, armed with knowledge and insights gained through this experience, I am confident in our ability to shape tomorrow's leaders and foster a more inclusive and equitable world for generations to come. 

My best wishes to this year's cohort starting their journey on the master's programme. Your dedication to professional growth sets a great example for our students, and I’m confident you'll find success in your studies. To anyone considering the master's programme, I would highly recommend it; it will open you up to a world of literature and global colleagues who share your passion for education.   

About Training and Development at BIS Abu Dhabi – Nurturing Excellence and Growth 

Each year, BIS Abu Dhabi staff have numerous opportunities to develop professionally within Nord Anglia Education. This includes exciting collaborations with renowned institutions such as Julliard, MIT and King’s College. Additionally, there are ‘grow your own’ leadership opportunities, such as the Senior Leaders and the Middle Leaders programmes, which I highly recommend. The online platform Nord Anglia University also provides an incredible resource with short courses on a range of topics, including safeguarding, change management, and my personal favourite, EDIB.  In essence, not only is professional development encouraged, but is also made highly accessible - another reason why Nord Anglia Education remains at the forefront of world-class education. This year, we are proud to have three colleagues taking part in the master's course with Kings College. Kirsty Baker, Donna Watson and Santa Strupka will be travelling to London in December to begin their master's journey. 

Katherine Harvey 
PE Teacher and Head of Year 11 

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