Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 September, 2024

Connecting Globally Our Students Experience in Houston and Vision for Change

Connecting Globally Our Students Experience in Houston and Vision for Change - Connecting Globally Our Students Experience in Houston and Vision for Change
Turkan, Tia, and Renad – our student Social Impact team – returned from Houston in June. The final part of their Houston experience was to provide feedback to the school’s senior leaders about what they had learnt during the UNICEF training and to propose their ideas for change.

This year, the Social Impact group has decided to focus on SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). They presented some incredible ideas to both primary and secondary leaders, who were excited to hear about their plans to involve students from FS to Year 13 and the wider community.

On Monday, the team met with Alan Cocker and Aine McGlue, who presented them with certificates on behalf of Dr. Leslie Williams.

Being part of a Global Campus here at the British International School Abu Dhabi provides all students with daily learning opportunities and the chance to attend once-in-a-lifetime events like this summit, where they learn from experts and create special memories. They are continually collaborating with students around the world and have made friends from across the globe. They are committed to making a difference and improving the world for future generations.

Turkan, Tia, and Renad: We are very proud of you all!