Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
19 September, 2024

Building a Strong Start: Embracing Community, Collaboration, and Innovation

Message from Deputy Head of Primary - Message from Deputy Head of Primary
Message from Deputy Head of Primary
As we finish our fourth week of school, it’s amazing how quickly time has flown by! We are settling into new timetables, and our new staff members are finding their feet—just like many of our new students and families. The start of a new academic year is always a time of adjustment for students, teachers, and parents. However, the community spirit and teamwork demonstrated by everyone have ensured that this transition has been smooth and positive.

Any transition brings challenges, and sometimes they take time to resolve. Adapting to new routines and navigating changes in the curriculum are part of the learning process for both students and staff. Despite these challenges, the positive start to the term has been a highlight of these early weeks, thanks to the efforts of everyone across the school. Your dedication and commitment have been vital in ensuring a smooth beginning to the year.

At BIS Abu Dhabi, we always strive for improvement, ensuring that every child receives the support they need to thrive. Success is built on a foundation of collaboration, where every member of our school community plays a role in supporting our students’ growth. Throughout this academic year, we will be actively listening to the voices of our students, using their feedback to guide us as we take the next steps to enhance the learning experience and other aspects of school life. We recognise that empowering students to share their ideas and opinions is key to creating an environment where they feel valued and motivated to achieve their best.

As part of this commitment to student voice, Nord Anglia Education is conducting research in partnership with Boston College. This initiative focuses on metacognition—how students think about their learning. By harnessing student voices, the research is helping our schools improve learning experiences and develop key 21st-century skills such as creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. Teachers are using these insights to create a more responsive and engaging environment for all learners. Additionally, the research explores the links between metacognitive development, academic achievement, wellbeing, and skill growth.

In practice, this means that throughout the year, we will be integrating opportunities for students to reflect on their learning processes, share feedback, and help shape the learning environment. By making their voices a central part of our approach, we aim to ensure that our students are not just participants in their education, but active contributors. We look forward to seeing how this innovative approach enhances the learning experience and strengthens the connection between students and their learning journey. To learn more about our collaboration with Boston College, click here. For further information on the research project, click here.

As we move forward, we will be launching several new initiatives designed to enrich the educational experience for all students. These initiatives include enhanced co-curricular activities, the development of curriculum pathways, continued space development, professional development opportunities for staff, and a continued focus on our school’s core values of kindness, honesty, and respect. We believe that by fostering a community where these values are lived every day, we can help students grow academically and personally, preparing them for success in school and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support and for being such an integral part of our school community. Together, we will make this an outstanding year for all.

Matthew Harper

Deputy Head of Primary

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