The start of term has been excellent, and the staff here have done a superb job of preparing for the new term. They are single-minded in their focus on getting the best for our students, which is fantastic to see. This has been evident in the lovely relationships already being formed, as well as in the richness of the learning activities that have been planned.
Your children have returned to school with an incredibly positive mindset and have settled into the groove of their learning so well; it has been so exciting to see.
In my first newsletter, I wanted to let you know just how impressive it is to enter a school community where the vision and values are real and lived out by everyone, every day:
Our Values:
Kindness – Honesty – Respect
Our students know these values and show them frequently and naturally to their peers and to adults. This does not happen by accident! It happens because staff and parents promote and reinforce these values within the students. Students learn far more from what they see us doing than from what we tell them – thank you!
Our Vision and Mission Statement:
“Empowering & enriching lives for future success.”
“Our mission is to create world-class learning experiences that recognise and nurture empathetic, resilient, and talented individuals.”
The curriculum, the quality of teaching and learning, and the relationships between staff and students at BIS Abu Dhabi make these statements a reality... not yet perfect, but very, very good. As many of you have seen from the Parent Information Sessions over the past two weeks, the teachers spend a great deal of time thinking about and planning the learning experiences for your child. It’s exciting, it’s vibrant, and we hope it will be truly memorable for them.
I look forward to getting to know more of you at the gate or at the various events that take place throughout the year. Please do come over and say hello if you get the chance.
John Dibdin
Head of Primary