Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
05 July, 2024

Message from the Principal

Message from the Principal - Message from the Principal

The end of the year is a time for reflection and celebration, as well as an opportunity to look ahead.

During the last weeks, we have celebrated students at the Sports Award Assembly, welcomed fathers sharing time with students in the Early Years team, enjoyed end-of-term showcases across many year groups, attended IB presentations, participated in a Science Fair hosted by the Science CCA, and watched the Dance Production, BISAD’s Got Talent Show and the Music Open Mic event, to name but a few. 


BIS Abu Dhabi is a busy place, and there is much to celebrate. I have been very impressed with the progress of students’ reading in the lower school, where they scored exceptionally well in their phonics assessments. The students just finishing Primary have shown great data particularly in reading, maths, and science. We look forward with anticipation to the IB results in the coming weeks and, later in August, the GCSE results. 

But it’s not just about academic results. The students are deeply engaged in their learning. Recent events have shown them loving their learning and being fully immersed in it. The Open Mic event, for one, provided children with a platform and a real audience, showcasing some incredible talent. Many of these students haven’t opted for music at GCSE or IB, yet they have a place and time to continue growing and learning with each other.

At the Science Fair, I particularly loved how children explored scientific concepts and modelled them with creativity and innovation. For instance, magnetism was illustrated with a scale model train explaining the concept behind the Japanese bullet train. There was also an ingenious cinema demonstrating the concepts of magnification and projection of light, among many other examples of students demonstrating, communicating, and celebrating their learning. 

The changes in PE and dance are stark. At the recent Sports Awards, I saw a significant increase in student participation and success in competitions.  It was only just over a year ago that we opened the rugby pitch, and now we have students competing well and winning. For instance, the combined BIS Abu Dhabi and NAS Dubai team won the plate trophy in their first appearance at the Dubai 7s earlier this year. At BSME this year, our successes included the under 19s placing 3rd overall, the boys’ under 19 football team taking 1st place and the girls’ team placing 3rd. The under 15 netball team were runners up, and the under 19 girls’ volleyball team secured 1st place. Additionally, at the BSAK 7s, the under 19 girls’ football team emerged victorious. 

The numbers of students now taking up dance and engaging in dance in the curriculum is huge. The Dance Production had almost 250 students participating, compared to just a handful only a few years ago. Girls’ football, volleyball, rugby, netball, and swimming are all getting stronger and stronger. I am very grateful for the support from both home and school and excited about the potential for even better outcomes in the terms ahead. 

I am reminded of the film called A Field of dreams, where the phrase ‘Build it and they will come’ resonates with me. In the film, this is about a man following his baseball dream. But for me, it means providing opportunities for students - giving them a voice, time, support, and a platform to thrive. At BIS Abu Dhabi, I believe we are building it, and the children are rising to the opportunities at hand. 

Next year, we will see changes across many of our departments, where we have strengthened the leadership capacity to enable further enhancements in the curriculum and its teaching. In the Science department, we have created and recruited Heads of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology as well as having an overall Science lead. This is replicated in PE where we have added Head of Primary and Secondary PE to work in partnership with the Director of Sport. The Creative Arts team now has Heads of Music for both Primary and Secondary, and the Modern Foreign Languages team follows this model as well. In the core subjects of English and Maths, the departments now have a second-in-charge to further strengthen the team. In the Senior School, the team has been reorganised to have a Curriculum Lead, a Teaching and Learning lead, a dedicated Career Pathway Counsellor, and the IB Coordinator. The Primary team has expanded its curriculum leadership to continually enhance the primary curriculum offer. 

We are also investing more time in developing teachers through several strands of CPD (Continuing Professional Development). We are fostering more partnerships and currently have three strands of educational research in collaboration with groups like Harvard University, ADEK and Nord Anglia. These initiatives are focusing on areas such as metacognition, best practices in Early Years Education, and thinking routines. All teachers will be focusing on evaluating themselves against current educational research and will be challenged to refine and improve their practice. 

As you can see, across the school, there is a strengthening of personnel to secure better provision for all students. 

I am also looking forward to the new Senior School space being ready in August. This will create a lovely learning environment to help the oldest students develop a more mature approach to learning, bridging the gap to their next phase in a more appropriate and modern way. With the addition of two more courses (BTEC Sport and BTEC IT) at the Senior School, we are making learning more personalised. Interestingly, ADEK is keen to recognise the success of older students and is offering golden visas for both BTEC and IB students who achieve highly. This is great news as it recognises the value of both diplomas affirming that they hold equal status in helping students advance to their next phase of education. Often, people wrongly assume one is of a lower standard than the other but the truth is that they are differ in delivery and content, both are equally valuable in helping students achieve their destinations of choice. 

At the other end of the school, we are on track for the Eco Edventure Zone to open, allowing children to have hands-on learning experiences and interact with nature in a more meaningful way. The addition of the drama room and dance studio will also bolster the performing arts across the school. It’s such a busy summer for me and so much to look forward to for you as parents and students. I have a vision for our school and I am confident that we will achieve it.

I want to take a moment to thank those of you who are leaving for pastures new. The time and energy you have all invested in BIS Abu Dhabi helped to make it the special, successful place it is today. From all of us, we wish you well and hope that your new adventures are fulfilling and successful. 

To all of our community, I wish you a very safe and happy summer, a chance to spend time together as family and friends and make special memories. I want to thank you for joining me on our journey together this year and wish you all the very best. I look forward to reconnecting with you all in the new academic year. 

Enjoy the break.  

Alan Cocker
