Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 June, 2024

Message from the Head of Primary

Message from the Head of Primary - Message from the Head of Primary

Dear Parents,

As we approach the end of this term and the academic year, we take great pride in celebrating the multitude of successes our children have achieved. This period has been filled with events showcasing the diverse talents and interests of our students here at BIS Abu Dhabi. From the creativity of our dance performances, our success at sports competitions to the incredible ongoing school trips, from the talent displayed at the BISAD’s Got Talent audition and our Open Mic sessions to the World Scholars Cup and the Quran reading, our calendar has been brimming with opportunities for our students to shine.


Central to these activities is our commitment to the whole-child approach to education. This philosophy goes beyond academic achievement, focusing on nurturing every aspect of a child's development—educational, social, emotional, physical, and creative. By embracing this holistic approach, we create an environment supporting each student's well-being and personal growth. Research consistently shows that a whole-child approach leads to more successful and well-rounded individuals, with improvements in academic performance, student engagement, and emotional health.

While academic success is crucial, the skills developed outside the classroom are equally significant. Participation in sports, arts, and extracurricular activities fosters resilience, teamwork, creativity, and leadership. Studies indicate that students engaged in these activities are more likely to excel academically and socially.

A supportive environment that addresses students' emotional needs is vital for their mental health. Through various activities and events, we encourage students to express themselves, build self-esteem, and form meaningful connections with peers.

Our educational trips have provided invaluable hands-on learning experiences, broadening horizons and creating lasting memories. Students who travelled to Tanzania recently shared their adventures and learnings, recounting their journey with excitement and insight. They spoke of the rich cultural experiences, connections with local communities, and the profound understanding they gained about global issues and themselves.

We encourage all members of our school community to continue supporting and nurturing our students' diverse passions. Your support plays a crucial role in their development. As we look forward to the final weeks of the term, let us celebrate the achievements and growth of our students. Together, we can continue to foster an environment where every child feels valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.

Matthew Harper

Head of Primary

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