Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
17 May, 2024

Nurturing Ambition: A Commitment to World Class Learning

Nurturing Ambition A Commitment to World Class Learning - Nurturing Ambition A Commitment to World Class Learning
Message from our Assistant Head of Primary
Although I am new to BIS Abu Dhabi, I know the unwavering determination that lies within the community to be the best that we can be for the children, the families and the staff in our school.  Just the key phrases: ‘Be Ambitious’ and ‘World Class Learning’ that echo through the halls tell you that nothing short of the best is good enough for those who are part of the BIS Abu Dhabi community.  Taking on a Senior Leadership role within such a large community, was both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.  The responsibility of providing the best opportunities to the community is not something to take lightly.

‘Be ambitious’ and ‘world class learning’ are tag lines we live by here at BIS Abu Dhabi and as part of the Nord Anglia family.  We are truly ambitious for the children and their goals, and as leaders in school, it is vital we are ambitious for our staff also.  In each meeting, leaders challenge and are challenged around how to improve and overcome barriers in achieving our goals.   

Teaching and learning is at the heart of a school’s business.  Every member of the teaching team comes to school each day to perform their best for the students, so that they can achieve well.  In my role as one of the custodians of Teaching & Learning at BIS Abu Dhabi, it is important that I, along with the team, enable and facilitate this to ensure that each member of staff can excel.  The recruitment process is rigorous, so we know that members joining the teaching team have a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn more.   

To harness this motivation, we have spent this academic year thinking about how to align our drive and channel this energy in one direction.  On this journey, we have embraced a concept called ‘The Great Teaching Toolkit’ (Evidence Based Education). This is a vehicle which brings together a broad range of up-to-date research so we can all easily access the tools within it.  It will enable teams to work at an individual and group level.  Complementing this toolkit, Nord Anglia have a platform called Nord Anglia University which is loaded with content, including current research-based projects, for staff to build their knowledge and skills further. You might have been part of the metacognition parent workshop with Dr. Kate Erricker, Nord Anglia Education Metacognition Curriculum lead, and Emily Murphy, Nord Anglia Education Senior PD Lead in April. 

Metacognition is a focus for us to think about and embed strategies to help the children learn how they learn best and hone their skills within this so that they can excel in their future of tomorrow.  The idea is that we don’t necessarily know the subject content or particular tool that children will use in their later life or career pathways as this is an area that continues to develop at record speed, but that we can prepare them with the skills in which to embrace each challenge and learning opportunity that they encounter or choose to pursue.  It is Dr. Erricker’s work, being quality assured by Boston College, that is aiding us in our thinking along this pathway. Another useful tool in our teaching toolkit. 

As we create a culture of learning for children, we also build a culture of learning for staff.  A school stops being a school if it ceases to evolve and develop with the world within which it exists.  It amazes me to think that the children in our school today, will be adults in a world that will look quite different.  As a school, as a community, it is important to know how we are ensuring that your child will always be offered a ‘world class’ learning environment steeped in ambition for success.  We are outward facing, never complacent and entirely dedicated to our mission and values. We know that learning never stops, and neither will our quest to best prepare our students for the world that lies ahead.  BIS Abu Dhabi truly is an exciting community to be part of!

Jane Burt

Assistant Head of Primary

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