Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 March, 2024

A ‘Future Ready’ Curriculum​ for all

Navigating Your Child's Educational Journey: A 'Future Ready' Curriculum - Message from the Deputy Head of Whole School

Navigating Your Child's Educational Journey: A 'Future Ready' Curriculum

Navigating the dual roles of parent and school leader within the same setting can indeed be both enriching and challenging! I wouldn't trade this unique position, as it offers unparalleled insight into the social, emotional, and academic journey of both students and parents at BIS Abu Dhabi.

Reflecting on my daughter's recent completion of her IGCSEs, I recall a mix of triumphs and setbacks, marked by the blue-tac remnants of countless revision cards adorning her bedroom walls. Yet, amidst the highs and lows, we persevered together, celebrating her accomplishments while acknowledging aspects of the process that she found more difficult. More importantly, we explored the various pathways available within the school, drawing from her past academic experiences and considering her future aspirations.

Spending time talking to my daughter about her strengths, interests, and long-term goals, we decided on a pathway that combined the Level 3 Extended BTEC Diploma in Business with Higher Level English. As a parent, witnessing her enthusiasm and commitment to this chosen path fills me with pride and reassurance. Predicted to achieve a triple Distinction in her BTEC, equivalent to 36 points at IB, I am delighted that she is setting her sights on Exeter University to study a BSc Marketing and Management. The Russell Group universities are renowned for their academic excellence, and Exeter University is no exception. Meanwhile, as a school leader, I am delighted to be able to contribute to the development of a curriculum that can provide the right pathway for all students giving them every opportunity to thrive. 

In today's dynamic job market, employers increasingly seek candidates who possess not only academic proficiency but also practical skills and readiness for the workplace. At BIS Abu Dhabi, we recognise the significance of providing a curriculum that not only meets rigorous academic standards, but also equips students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. With this commitment in mind, we have enriched our educational offerings by incorporating the Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) Diploma, a globally recognised qualification emphasising real-world applications. This approach allows students to cultivate a profound understanding of their chosen subjects through hands-on experience and project-based learning. It fosters not just academic knowledge but also practical competencies essential for success in further education and the professional sphere.

Our curriculum is designed to be Future Ready, offering a diverse range of personalised, world-class learning opportunities. Here at BIS Abu Dhabi, students can now pursue the BTEC Diploma, International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP), IB Courses, or opt for a combined BTEC Diploma and IB pathway, with the IB Learner Profile serving as a guiding framework across all aspects of the curriculum. 

The purpose of this message is not to claim that one course or qualification is better than another, because such a comparison isn't suitable. At BIS Abu Dhabi, our mission is to identify the best path for each student, thereby broadening their opportunities worldwide. We are excited to announce the expansion of our BTEC Diploma offerings in the upcoming academic year, now including BTEC International Level 3 in IT and Sport in addition to Business. As a parent and as a school leader, I strongly encourage you to explore all pathways available at BIS Abu Dhabi with your child, ensuring that they embark on a journey tailored to their unique strengths and aspirations.


Aine McGlue

Deputy Head of Whole School

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