Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 January, 2024

Mastering the Art of Revision

Mastering the Art of Revision - Mastering the Art of Revision

BIS Abu Dhabi Launches A Guide to Effective Revision

At The British International School Abu Dhabi (BIS Abu Dhabi), our passion for learning goes beyond the classroom walls, it’s the driving force behind everything we do. I became a teacher, because I loved learning in my own school days, and I continue to aspire to be a lifelong learner. My goal is to instil this passion in my students, empowering them to become independent and self-driven learners.

That is why I am so thrilled to announce the launch the official Guide to Effective Revision from BIS Abu Dhabi. It marks the culmination of over 6 months of dedicated collaboration, as we eagerly share our reliable insights with students and parents. The advice and wisdom in these pages originated from the collaborative efforts of our expert teaching staff, whose invaluable experience in supporting students through exams shines through. Additionally, we took care to ensure that all the advice is backed by credible research in educational psychology.

Last year, I had the privilege of addressing the Year 11 students during one of their assemblies, focusing on making the most of their revision time. The enthusiasm from the students was noticeable; they were eager to delve deeper into the science of learning and understand the transformative power of effective study tips. It therefore brings me immense pleasure to present this exceptional resource that will further support their learning journey.

Are you aware of how important it is to get into the right mindset before diving into your revision?  Have you considered that a tidy desk enhances your ability to focus, think and absorb information effectively? Have you embraced the idea that practicing mock exams is the best way to prepare for the real thing? Do you recognise the value of self-reflection in digesting what you’ve learned and identifying how you can improve? And have you acknowledged that prioritising taking care of physical and mental wellbeing is a key factor in positioning yourself for success in exams?

The advice contained in these pages will prove exceptionally valuable to our Year 11 and Year 13 students, who face the heaviest exam load. Recognising the challenges these years pose, we wish you the absolute best of luck in tackling these exams. Moreover, we firmly believe that the guidance provided is universally applicable – whether you’re a student in the early years of Primary school, someone navigating the final years of university or an adult pursuing part-time night school post-retirement.

To maximise the impact of effective study practices, our aim is to share this invaluable resource not only with our school community, but also with parents, students and colleagues beyond. We envision these principles becoming ingrained in our academic culture, with phrases like ‘retrieval practice’, ‘metacognition’, ‘self-reflection’ and ‘interleaving’ becoming part of our shared vocabulary. Together, we support one another to give these exams our best effort.

You can access the booklet online through the link here or grab a physical copy from our Main Reception. Don’t forget to share it with your friends and family!

Lastly, we’re eager to learn how you’re implementing these tips at home. Feel free to share your experience through social media or email us. Happy revising!

Mr. Will Mcloughlin

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