Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
01 August, 2023

Meet our Graduate Heleen

Meet our Graduate Heleen - Meet our Graduate Heleen
Meet our Graduate Heleen

Meet Heleen, Class of 2023 IB Diploma Graduate

Heleen joined BIS Abu Dhabi in 2021, beginning her IB Diploma journey in Year 12. After two years of hard work and dedication, she has graduated with an outstanding score of 43 points out of a possible 45, making her one of our school's highest achievers. The feeling of receiving her results was indescribable, as Heleen expressed, "When I received my results, the feeling was indescribable. I was completely lost for words, and I didn't believe it at first. It was truly an overwhelming sense of joy and accomplishment, which I was so unprepared for. Seeing my efforts pay off filled me with such a sense of pride and satisfaction, and it was such a special moment to share with my family."

Heleen is now setting her sights on studying either Medicine or Biomedicine at the University of Sydney or the University of Melbourne in Australia. She grew up in Australia and is excited about the prospect of returning to familiar surroundings while also embracing new experiences. "As of now, I am unsure where in Australia I wish to study, but I have my heart set on a career in Medicine. I would love to study on the East Coast, with Melbourne being one of my top choices at the moment," she explained.

Explaining her passion for Medicine, Heleen said, "I believe my interest in Medicine developed from an interest in biology, and my passion was further nurtured by taking the subject at a higher level in the IB. Studying Medicine will hopefully allow me to delve deeper into these scientific realms and apply the knowledge I gain to make a difference in people's lives. The human body is a remarkable and intricate system, and I find myself drawn to learning more about its complexity and functions."

Looking forward to her move to Australia, Heleen shared, "I definitely look forward to experiencing four seasons again, which has been something I have missed while living in the UAE. Particularly, I can't wait to experience the leaves changing color in autumn, the spring festivals, and the rainy nights which were far from plenty in Abu Dhabi."

Heleen highlighted the ways in which studying the IB Diploma has prepared her for university, saying, "I believe the challenging nature of the program has played a role in preparing me for the demands of university, specifically due to the IB Diploma promoting an emphasis on individual learning across a range of subjects and disciplines. The IB in itself is such a recognized program and is highly regarded by universities worldwide, which also means admissions are quite familiar with its academic rigor."

During her time at BIS Abu Dhabi, Heleen was actively involved in various extracurricular activities. She participated in the Inclusivity Club, where she and her peers developed lesson plans on key global issues and collaborated with another Nord Anglia school in Vietnam. Additionally, she engaged in creative activities such as the crochet club and took part in school-based projects like being a House Ambassador, as well as wider school initiatives such as Nord Anglia's Voice of Youth program.

Among her fond memories at BIS Abu Dhabi, Heleen cherishes the National Day festival organised by the school. "I loved learning about the local culture, browsing the bazaar, and picnicking with friends; it was definitely a fun change of pace from the stress of schoolwork," she recalled.

As she bids farewell to BIS Abu Dhabi, Heleen reflects on what she will miss the most, "What I will miss the most about BIS Abu Dhabi are all the relationships I developed with peers, teachers, and supporting staff who made my time at the school a truly wonderful experience and who supported me in countless ways for the past two years. It is such a tight-knit community which makes it an environment like no other."

Heleen concluded by expressing her gratitude, "I am extremely grateful to have spent the past two years at BIS Abu Dhabi and to have had the support of my teachers, friends, and family who encouraged and believed in me throughout my IB journey."

Congratulations, Heleen! Your academic achievements and passion for Medicine are truly commendable, we wish you all the best as you embark on your exciting journey in Australia and we look forward to hearing about your accomplishments as you pursue your dreams.