Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 June, 2023

Pre-orders for the Yearbook 2022-2023

Pre-orders for the Yearbook 2022-2023 - Pre-orders for the Yearbook 2022-2023
Pre-orders for the Yearbook 2022-2023
We are excited to announce that pre-orders for the Yearbook 2022-2023 are now open! Capture the cherished memories of this school year by ordering a yearbook for your child through our convenient parent app.

To pre-order the yearbook, please follow these simple steps:


  1. Open the parent app on your smartphone.

  1. Go to the Payment section.

  1. Click on "Pay here" and select your child's name.

  1. Look for the option to order a 2022-2023 yearbook.

  1. The cost per yearbook is 60 AED.

If you have not yet downloaded the parent app, we highly recommend doing so. It provides a seamless and user-friendly experience for managing various school-related activities. You can find more guidance on how to download and use the app by following this link: parent-app-guide.pdf (


Please note that each child can have a yearbook ordered specifically for them. It's a wonderful keepsake that they can treasure for years to come.


The yearbooks will be available for pickup from the Main Reception starting next Tuesday, 20th June. When you come to collect your ordered yearbook(s), please ensure you have your digital payment receipt ready as proof of purchase.


For your convenience, we have set up an additional sales point opposite the Main Reception during drop-off and pick-up times from Tuesday, 20th to Friday 23rd June. This will provide an alternative way for you to purchase your yearbooks, both new and from previous years, subject to availability. Cash payments will also be accepted at this sales point.


Pre-order your child's yearbook today and create a lasting memento!

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