Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 May, 2023

Lost Property

Lost Property - Lost Property
Lost Property
We have recently removed the lost property items from the Snug area at the Primary Entrance to be washed and organised. 

Any items of food/drink storage that could be re-used with names on has been washed and returned to parents.

All clothing items have now been washed and hung on hangers on a clothes rail. Starting next week, every Thursday the lost property items will be available for parents to look through at drop-off time in the morning and pick-up time in the afternoon in the Primary Entrance, Snug area of Gate 6.

Please can parents ensure that the full name and class of their child’s items are clearly labelled on clothing and food/drink storage. Please note that any food/drink storage will be disposed of after 1 month if they have not been collected from lost property.

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