Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 May, 2023

Global Campus Visual Arts Competition 2023 Update

Global Campus Visual Arts Competition 2023 Update - Global Campus Visual Arts Competition 2023 Update
Global Campus Visual Arts Competition 2023 Update

Congratulations to all our students who recently undertook the challenge to create an artwork inspired by the key advocacy theme of Sustainable Development Goal: 4 Quality Education set by our Global Campus team for the 2023 Visual Arts Competition.

We were super impressed with the range of ideas, art medias and techniques students used to create their artwork submissions. The thoughtfulness with which students wrote about the importance of quality education, and how this was represented within their artworks, was inspiring.

Although we would have loved to have been able to enter all our received submissions for the competition, only one student could be selected to be put forward for the next round for each of the four age categories.

All students who entered the competition will receive a certificate of achievement, 5 House Points and a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award if submitted as evidence for their BISAD Diploma for the ‘Arts’ Category.

Here's wishing the very best of luck to our 4 BISAD Visual Arts Competition Global Campus nominees in the next round of the competition. May they be successful in getting their artwork exhibited at the UNICEF office in New York during the United Nations' High Level Political Forum in July 2023!

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