Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 May, 2023

Year 8 Making Waves

Year 8 Making Waves - Year 8 Making Waves
Year 8 Making Waves
Last week, our excited Year 8's spent their morning getting creative with Waves. As part of their Year 8 topic of learning Waves, Students worked together in their different classes to create their very own wave machine.
These were entirely made of kebab sticks, marshmallows and duct tape. The wave machines do a fantastic job of helping students understand some key concepts of waves and how changes in wave energy affects the wave itself.
The different class groups ended the session by bringing their individual wave machines, each roughly 2m long, together to create the schools longest ever wave machine! Although we failed to make it span the length of the entire corridor, we were very pleased with the effort put into the task by the Students, and surprisingly only a small amount of marshmallows were lost to temptation.

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