Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
10 March, 2023

BSME Games

BSME Games - BSME Games
BSME Games
Last weekend saw the British International School Abu Dhabi host the U11 BSME Large School Games.

Ten schools from the Middle East participated in six sporting events over the three days. Friday included girls’ football and boys’ basketball. Saturday was swimming and athletics, and Sunday finished off with boys’ football and girls’ netball.


It was a fantastic event, helped by our amazing staff, students, and community groups who made sure all visiting schools and parents were welcomed with open arms.


We are extremely proud of our U11 BSME Squad who performed superbly throughout the intense but exciting atmosphere. Being cheered on by hundreds of spectators, our squad managed to win the boy’s athletics and finish second overall in athletics during the heat of Saturday afternoon.


It was the first major school competition for our athletes, and we hope that they have inspired other students to participate in regular exercise and start preparing for next year’s competition.


Well done to everyone involved.

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