Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
03 February, 2023

Sports Week

Sports Week - Sports Week
Sports Week

Are you ready for our Sports day week?

As previously communicated, our whole school sports day week kicks off this Monday, 6th February where our students will be sprinting, throwing, and jumping it out with their classmates, in the hope of bringing home the Sports Day glory for their respective houses!

We all know that family support is a crucial element to sporting engagement and enjoyment. Therefore, we truly value our parent body in your role of creating that encouraging and supportive atmosphere for our students, as they strive to gain maximum points for their House.

We therefore look forward to seeing as many of our parents at the events as possible.

Remember to ensure your child is ready to participate with their PE attire of shorts and running trainers, along with wearing their House shirt. Let us also not forget the importance of a filled water bottle and sun hat.

Finally, as a reminder please see below sports day week schedule:

 Day Year group   Time Additional information for parents 

Monday, 6th February


FS1 & FS2

Year 1 & 2

8:30am- 10am


Parade starts at 8:10am on Sports Field.

Parade starts at 10:45am on Sports Field.

Tuesday, 7th February

Year 3

Year 4


11am- 1:10pm  

Introduction starts at 8:15am on Sports Field.

Introduction starts at 10:45am on Sports Field.
Wednesday, 8th February  

Year 5

Year 6


11am- 1:10pm

Introduction starts at 8:15am on Sports Field.

Introduction starts at 10:45am on Sports Field.

Thursday, 9th February

 KS3 (Year 7-9)  8am-1:10pm Introduction starts at 8:10am on Sports Field.

Friday, 10th February

 KS4 & 5 Festival of Sport  8:10am-11:50am Events start promptly at 8:15am on Sports Field.

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