Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
24 February, 2023

GCSE Photography Exam Final Outcomes

GCSE Photography Exam Final Outcomes - GCSE Photography Exam Final Outcomes
GCSE Photography Exam Final Outcomes

Our students created some amazing cyanotype prints for their GCSE Photography Exam this term.

The Year 10 photography students demonstrated a remarkable level of creativity and artistic talent. Their work showcased a range of techniques and styles, from minimalist compositions to more complex and detailed portraits. Our student’s passion, dedication, and hard work are a testament to their talent and potential, and it will be exciting to see what they create in the future.


Why should your child study GCSE Photography?

GCSE Photography is a great subject to study because it allows students to express their creativity through a visual medium, develop their critical thinking skills, and explore different photographic techniques. It also provides opportunities to develop technical skills, such as working with a camera and editing software, which can be valuable in many careers.

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