Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
06 January, 2023

Year 5 Dress-up Shipwreck Survivors

Year 5 Dress-up Shipwreck Survivors - Year 5 Dress-up Shipwreck Survivors
Year 5 Dress-up Shipwreck Survivors
On Monday, Year 5 kicked off the first day of term with a dress-up day, to start their next topic: ‘The Land of the Rising Sun’. 
Students came dressed up as shipwreck survivors and completed various exciting activities such as building a raft for their Lego puppets to sail across the sea, as well as a scavenger hunt around the school. They were also introduced to the book ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo, around which the topic will be oriented. An exciting start of the new term!