Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
27 January, 2023

House Shirt Friday

House Shirt Friday - House Shirt Friday
House Shirt Friday
Today, the school was awash with House colours, as it was House Shirt Friday! Whilst in Primary students took part in a STEAM challenge to practise their leadership and teamwork skills, the students in Secondary took part in an Interhouse Chess Challenge.

Primary students had the challenge of working in their House to build the tallest tower possible using playing cards and any other classroom equipment, while students in Early Years had the challenge of building the tallest tower with lollipop sticks and cups. Everyone had so much fun, and the energy was buzzing with House spirit! Congratulations to Oak House who won the challenge with a tower of 225cm and earned 100 House Points each for their House!

All Secondary students were invited to play a game of online chess as well as playing live games against their teachers and the most abled chess players in the school.
The excitement and buzz was fantastic as more and more students are feeling the benefits and challenges of learning this strategic game!

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