Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
20 January, 2023

IGCSE Information Evening

IGCSE Information Evening - IGCSE Information Evening
IGCSE Information Evening
This week we opened our doors to current and prospective Year 9 parents, who are about to begin the IGCSE options process.

The evening started with light refreshments before students, parents and family members moved into the main hall for a presentation by Mr. Cullinan, Mr. Lowe and Mrs. Harvey.  The presentation included the student's four-year journey through GCSE and IB Diploma courses, what the GCSE course entails, which GCSE subjects are compulsory/optional, Emirati equivalency, the support available to students and families, and the options process timeline. Following the presentation, families moved upstairs to our interactive subject stations. Here they looked at current student work, viewed subject syllabi, and spoke to teachers and current students about course content and career pathways.

The IGCSE information evening signals the start of the process where students begin making decisions about their future educational and career pathways. All of our students are individuals with different talents, passions and aspirations; they are also at different stages of ‘when I grow up, I want to be…’. For these reasons, Year 9 students are working on the Future Focus unit within PSME, utilising Unifrog, our careers guidance platform. The tutoring team are excited to be on this journey with the Year 9’s, offering them support and guidance during this important educational milestone.

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