Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
04 November, 2022

Nursery Read and Relax

Nursery Read and Relax - Nursery Read and Relax
Nursery Read and Relax
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book” – Dr Seuss

On Thursday, the children in Nursery welcomed their parents into school for a ‘Read and Relax’ session. They snuggled and shared their favourite stories together before going on a hunt outside to find where their favourite characters were hiding. What an amazing way to share our love of reading together.

Reading is an excellent way to develop communication and language skills. It helps children build their imaginations, exposes them to wider world experiences, teaches them new vocabulary and so much more. Why not snuggle up and share a story with your child at home?

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