Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
18 November, 2022

Tanzania Week

Tanzania Week - Tanzania Week
Tanzania Week
HABARI! That’s ‘hello’ in Swahili…

Next week, our school will be celebrating Tanzania Week. Over the next 5 days, our students, staff, and parents will be working together to raise money for Seeway - a charity that works in Tanzania, helping to rebuild schools and communities.
In 2023, our secondary students will be traveling to Tanzania to work with Seeway by helping develop and rebuild local schools around the most needed areas and communities in the country.

Next week, the whole school will take part in various events to raise money for this meaningful journey. There will be bake sales, face painting, sports competitions and many more exciting things happening throughout the school over the course of the week. We will also have Tanzania Day on Tuesday, 22nd which will be a non-uniform day. Students are encouraged to dress in the colours of the Tanzania flag with a suggested donation of 5 dirhams to go towards this amazing cause. 

We’re looking forward to a great week! 

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