Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 October, 2022

IB Information Evening

IB Information Evening - IB Information Evening
IB Information Evening
Our International Baccalaureate (IB) Information Evening on Wednesday, 12th October was an opportunity for our Year 11 students and parents as well as visiting families to find out more about the IB Diploma Programme at BIS Abu Dhabi. 

The evening began in the Main Hall where our Principal, Liam Cullinan welcomed parents to the event and Chris Lowe, Head of Secondary explained why we believe the IB Diploma Programme gives students a head start, when applying to universities. Rachel Batty, Head of Senior School outlined the curriculum, and the subject choices open to students. 

As the evening continued students were able to find out first-hand information from the teachers and current students. There was a real buzz and lots of excited chatter as everyone went from stall to stall asking questions and completing some of the activities being led by our existing Year 12 students.


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