Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
30 September, 2022

Young Leaders Conference

Young Leaders Conference - Young Leaders Conference
Young Leaders Conference
BIS Abu Dhabi’s first ever Young Leaders Conference took place last week. 

It was a hugely exciting day with over 120 students getting involved in a wide range of leadership activities including Peer Reader, Peer Assisted Learners, Sports Leaders, Leaders in Model United Nations (MUN), Language Leaders and Peer Mentoring. 

The students learnt about the skills and qualities needed to become successful leaders and were given an intensive workshop in their preferred leadership area. BIS Abu Dhabi is so proud to see so many of our student's, having applied for their position on the conference, putting themselves forward to be leaders. It was truly an incredible day full of discovery and inspiration. 

Following the conference, our Young Leaders will continue with their chosen programme of leadership and will support other students at BIS Abu Dhabi in their fields. Watch this space! There will be lots of exciting developments on this programme to come!  


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