Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 September, 2022

Year 6 Heart Dissection

Year 6 Heart Dissection - Year 6 Heart Dissection
Year 6 Heart Dissection
This week, Year 6 students had yet another Science lesson to remember! 
Students became surgeons and dissected a sheep’s heart. It was a fantastic experience for all involved to deepen their understanding of the human heart and how the circulatory system works. 

First, the students filled the atria with water and were amazed to see the valves closing. They made an incision with their scalpel and sliced through one of the coronary arteries to open the heart and view the right ventricle. They then sliced open the left ventricle and explored the strength of the tendons inside. Some even poked their finger through the aorta to identify where the blood leaves the heart to make the journey to the rest of the body. 

It was an incredibly rich learning experience for the students to have a real heart in front of them after learning all the parts and functions in the classroom using diagrams and videos.