Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
28 March, 2022

BIS Abu Dhabi Shines in EP Global Languages Championships!

BIS Abu Dhabi Shines in EP Global Languages Championships! - bis-abu-dhabi-shines-in-ep-global-languages-championships
BIS Abu Dhabi Shines in EP Global Languages Championships!
An update on the Education Perfect Global Languages Championships.
BIS Abu Dhabi Shines in EP Global Languages Championships! An update on the Education Perfect Global Languages Championships. An update on the Education Perfect Global Languages Championships.

In early March, BIS Abu Dhabi students poised themselves to once again seek linguistic glory by participating in the Education Perfect Global Languages Championships and, true to form, our students put in a fantastic performance over the course of the marathon 7-day competition.

Flush with success off the back of our first place in the Northern Hemisphere Championships back in October 2021, students knew they had a hard act to follow. They did not disappoint. The aforementioned competition involved just 134 schools, compared to 2,825 schools this time round, which is around twenty times the number of competitors! Thus, when you consider that after a week of hard linguistic graft, BIS Abu Dhabi students gained 4th place overall, that really is testament to their dedication, teamwork and effort.

The statistics speak for themselves: students answered almost a million questions in total, completed 1,382 hours of collective learning and achieved 1st place in the UAE, 1st place globally in Arabic out of 896 schools, and 1st place in French and Spanish in the UAE – very impressive indeed!  

Students are also awarded certificates for their efforts after gaining 500 (Credit), 1000 (Bronze), 1500 (Silver), 3000 (Gold), 5000 (Emerald) and 10 000 points (Elite). BISAD students gained 155 Credit, 92 Bronze, 12 Silver and 8 Gold certificates – congratulations! 
Special congratulations also go to Elyssar (Year 9B), Mykaila (Year 9C), Haaym (Year 8C) and Maryam (Year 12C) for achieving Emerald Certificates after gaining over 5000 points, and Dongha (Year 9B) for achieving an Elite certificate with a massive 10 185 points, making him the 205th top-scoring student globally out of 210 000 students – that’s in the top 0.1% of all students!

Thanks to everyone for their collective efforts, well done to all who participated and doing us proud in yet another intriguing, illuminating and inspiring Education Perfect competition!