Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
16 March, 2022

IB Visual Arts Exhibition

IB Visual Arts Exhibition - ib-visual-arts-exhibition
IB Visual Arts Exhibition
On Monday, 14th March, Year 13 Visual Arts students hosted their end of course exhibition.
IB Visual Arts Exhibition On Monday, 14th March, Year 13 Visual Arts students hosted their end of course exhibition. On Monday, 14th March, Year 13 Visual Arts students hosted their end of course exhibition.

Take a look at their amazing work, and read what they had to say about their exhibition and the artwork they included in their final show:

Mariam: "My exhibition aims to explore the relationship between human nature and technology, as the world modernises, and become more reliant on technology. This concept was inspired by the recent pandemic, as I observed an increasing dependence on technology through things such as remote learning and online shopping. I am really proud of how my exhibition turned out, and it has taught me important skills such as perseverance that I believe will be beneficial at university next year. "

Jomana: "My exhibition explores the concept of memories and how they alter and ground our fragmentised identity. This concept was inspired by my identity to provide a visual memoir for the viewer, in which they experience a little of my childhood, my emotions, and my stances on certain issues that are closely linked to my identity. As you go through my exhibition, you are taken into a trip through time as the idea of memory becomes more and more abstracted and fragmentised to mirror the inspiration. Words cannot portray how proud I am with how it all came together at the end, walking through the finalised exhibitions was breathtaking and knowing the highs and lows we went through to get where we are today, I am speechless every time I look at all our accomplishments. This whole process taught me to be resilient and patient, to persevere when things go awry, and most of all discovering new things about myself and my talent, all very valuable lessons for my future that is not so far away." 

Congratulations to all our IB Visual Arts students on a fantastic show!