Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
15 July, 2021

Meet Ashwaty Nambiar, Class of 2021 IB Diploma Graduate

Meet Ashwaty Nambiar, Class of 2021 IB Diploma Graduate - meet-ashwaty-nambiar-class-of-2021-ib-diploma-graduate
Meet Ashwaty Nambiar, Class of 2021 IB Diploma Graduate Ashwaty joined the BIS Abu Dhabi family in Year 3, in the 3C Penguin class and after 10 years at the school she has now graduated with a score of 44 points out of 45 in the IB Diploma Programme. This is an outstanding achievement placing her in the top 2% of IB Diploma candidates worldwide.

Ashwaty joined the BIS Abu Dhabi family in Year 3, in the 3C Penguin class and after 10 years at the school she has now graduated with a score of 44 points out of 45 in the IB Diploma Programme. This is an outstanding achievement placing her in the top 2% of IB Diploma candidates worldwide.

Ashwaty leaves BIS Abu Dhabi and heads to Scotland to follow in the footsteps of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, to complete her academic journey at the University of St. Andrews. To add to her success, Ashwaty has received a scholarship to study Economics and Maths at the University. Knowing how sporty Ashwaty is, she is sure to also become a member of their famous Korfball team.

After receiving her results, Ashwaty said “I’m immensely happy with my subject grades especially considering how much I enjoyed every single one of them this year! It was definitely a surreal moment when I got my results, but I’m elated to have met my predicted grades in my subjects.”

Ashwaty switched from Standard Level Economics to the Higher Level after a friend convinced her it would be fun. After doing so, she fell in love with the subject, and more specifically, the concepts she learned in class being mirrored in the real world, from an area as simple as everyday decisions to trade wars between some of the world’s most powerful countries.

“The University of St. Andrews was always among my top choices, so receiving an offer from them really was a dream come true! Their approach to Economics is one I really love after having looked at the syllabus, so I’m beyond excited to continue my studies there.” said Ashwaty.

When asked if she felt the IB Diploma Programme helped her get into her dream university, Ashwaty commented: “The IB Diploma Programme creates a well-rounded candidate out of you which is undeniably helpful in distinguishing your application from the competition. Personally, I think having completed numerous extra-curriculars via the Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) programme and as I took a language and two sciences, one of which was at Higher Level, along with the relevant Higher Level subjects of Maths and Economics boosted my application.”

Ashwaty has been a valued member of BIS Abu Dhabi for 10 years and has achieved many things during her time at the school. She has also been a member of the Student Council, Captain of the Volleyball team, taught Maths to a Year 8 class and been a personal tutor to a wide range of year groups ranging from Years 5 to 13.

When asked what her favourite memory of her time at BIS Abu Dhabi will be, Ashwaty said: “Writing and giving the speech at graduation would be high on a list of my favourite memories from my time here at BIS Abu Dhabi. A lot of time was spent reminiscing on all my years there with the people I love and to give one last speech about how much I’ll cherish these relationships was truly an honour.”

When asked what she will miss the most about BIS Abu Dhabi, Ashwaty said: “Other than the relationships we’ve formed, I will undoubtably miss the teachers and other support staff who were there for us during our final year. In Year 13, you form this incredible bond with your teachers where at times, they feel more like friends than anything else and that really is just so special and something I’ll hold on to. I’d just like to share how thankful I am for having completed most of my academic career at BIS Abu Dhabi. It’s been truly wonderful, and I wish both those still going through school and our graduating class the very best of luck. It’s been good.”

Ashwaty is looking to follow her dreams of becoming a Chartered Accountant or an Investment Banker following her time at St. Andrews. Whatever she chooses, she will be sure to excel in it, like everything else she sets her mind too. Congratulations, Ashwaty!