Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
23 February, 2021

Message from the Vice Principal

Message from the Vice Principal - message-from-the-vice-principal
Message from the Vice Principal
A message from the Vice Principal, Mike Wolfe.
Message from the Vice Principal A message from the Vice Principal, Mike Wolfe. A message from the Vice Principal, Mike Wolfe.

Welcome back to school! It may seem strange saying that towards the end of February, but the last twelve months have been unprecedented times for us all. For the first time since March, we have been able to welcome back all year groups physically into the building.

Seeing students of all ages interact with their friends and teachers and hearing students learning, talking and laughing has brought the physical building back to life. Whilst the rhythms of the school are certainly not what they once were due to the restrictions, there is tangible excitement and a positive feeling that things are moving in the right direction. It is indisputably clear that for those students, parents and teachers who are coming to school, they want this to continue and we must all play our part in keeping our school open. 

As a gentle reminder, should your child feel unwell or show any symptoms of COVID 19, please do not send them to school. This protects everyone in our school community and avoids the need for friends and teachers having to quarantine or isolate. This is crucial. The legislation surrounding schools is very rigorous and we must be compliant on all points otherwise our school may be forced to close.

With this in mind, we are all aware of the 2 metre distance rule in place for adults that must be followed when dropping or collecting students from school. As lovely as is it to see friends after such a long period of time, please maintain these safe distances otherwise we are not compliant. Just like all the adults in school, all students aged 12 years and above must have a negative PCR test in place that has been taken within a 14-day period. If anyone is unable to show this result, they will not be allowed on to school premises. Your support in protecting our community is much appreciated.

It is sometimes the case that when we do not have something, we realise even more so what we have been missing. For those who have chosen to be back at school let’s all work together to look after each other. By following some simple guidelines we can make sure that all our students are able to access all of the learning, activities and opportunities school has to offer as we continue to move forward.

Mike Wolfe
Vice Principal