Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
26 January, 2021

Message from the Head of Primary: Talent

Message from the Head of Primary: Talent - message-from-the-head-of-primary-talent
Message from the Head of Primary: Talent
A message from the Head of Primary, Alan Cocker.
Message from the Head of Primary: Talent A message from the Head of Primary, Alan Cocker. A message from the Head of Primary, Alan Cocker.

Despite not having students physically in school, this time of year still brings much anticipation of fun and celebration ahead. It is that time of year when our students across the school have the opportunity to share their passions and demonstrate their talents in BIS Got Talent. Since joining BIS Abu Dhabi, this event has taken a special place in my heart. BIS Got Talent imbues all that is good about our school.  The event brings everyone together feeding our sense of community. Students, parents, and staff are united as they support and encourage students to have a go, to work together, to practice hard to perform to their very best. It allows for collaborations, individuality, and creativity. It helps students to move a little closer towards achieving their dreams. Moreover, it exposes others to excellence and shows them what they could aspire to. It really does encourage students to be ambitious. 

For those brave enough to try the rewards are simple, praise for their efforts and recognition of a job well done. This intrinsic motivation – knowing I have given my best is all too easy to ignore. In today’s world we often see rewards as having to be extrinsic.  A kind of ‘What do I get if I do this?’ attitude. BIS Got Talent is all about being the best version of yourself. Giving all you have to sharing something you want to be good at and knowing you gave your best. I would certainly argue that there is no monetary value on this, but that it is priceless. 

This year of course will be different. It will allow for another dimension as students record their performances and submit them. I have seen it make students be fussier as they notice their efforts in their recordings and go back and tweak elements of their act. Student and parent entries are due by the 31st of January so do not forget to get them in soon. It may not enable us to all be in the same room at the same time, but there is no way we will let it stop us enjoying this special event with our sense of community. Has BIS Abu Dhabi got talent – you bet!

Alan Cocker