Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
13 September, 2020

News from the Swim Department

News from the Swim Department - news-from-the-swim-department
News from the Swim Department
We are delighted to announce that BIS Abu Dhabi now have our very own swim department!
News from the Swim Department We are delighted to announce that BIS Abu Dhabi now have our very own swim department! We are delighted to announce that BIS Abu Dhabi now have our very own swim department!

It gives us great pleasure to introduce Stefan Todorov and Coralie Scott-Mackie, who are extremely excited to have joined our school as part of our new swim department.  

Both members of staff have years of experience in developing and delivering swim programmes around the world, and are already making “waves” within the school. They are planning a comprehensive, challenging and engaging curriculum that will meet the needs of all, during lessons and as part of the Team Falcon CCA programme.

We can't wait to get into the pool, and please be assured as soon as we can we will be on the blocks ready to dive straight into it!

Stefan Todorov – Head of Swimming


Following a competitive career as a swimmer, I decided to continue to be involved in swimming and pursued several qualifications in coaching and teaching. I hold a Bachelor Degree in Sports coaching and PE specialising in swimming from the National Sport Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria. 

As a swimmer, I represented my country in several international championships, with the highlights being the World championships in 1999 and Junior Olympics in 1998. Unfortunately, I felt short of qualifying for the 2000 Olympic Games. Following that I joined University, and decided to focus on education and stopped swimming competitively. 

From 2004 to 2008 I worked in the UK and was part of Glasgow swim team as an age group coach, and swimming development officer for Glasgow. During my time there I had the privilege to work with many up and coming young swimmers, with some of them representing and winning medals for Team GB at a later age.  

My wife and I always wanted to combine working, travelling, and experiencing different cultures. An opportunity came for us to move to Abu Dhabi and in 2008 we relocated. Before joining BIS Abu Dhabi I worked at another private school as a lead swimming teacher. I have also been involved in establishing some additional sport projects to provide opportunities for young people to develop as athletes and outstanding individuals. 

I am delighted to be part of Team Falcon and looking forward to coaching, guiding and mentoring all the students at BIS Abu Dhabi. 

Coralie Scott-Mackie - Swimming Teacher


Born and raised in New Zealand until I was 9 when we moved to South Africa in the early 70’s, I consider myself a True Southern Hemisperian. I have travelled and lived around the world most of my adult life, working with children in various fields, until I landed in Abu Dhabi 13 years ago with a 1 year old son and my husband.    

In 2008 I was looking for a Swimming Teacher for my 3 year old son and one day while watching his lesson I was asked if I would be interested in training to be a swimming teacher. That is how my career as a Swimming Teacher began and I now view swimming as a life skill and not just a fun activity.

In 2011 I was asked to become business partners in a small swimming school where I specialised in offering lessons from parents and toddlers level through to stroke development. That is when I realised that I have a gift for working with children and adults that have a fear of water, and began to look at swimming in a different light. I got my training in Teaching Swimming to “People of Determination” and added that to my personal skills agenda. I also got my qualifications in Competitive Coaching at that time but never really got to use it.  I had the pleasure of being in a fantastic business venture for 5 years. This allowed me to build a solid reputation in Abu Dhabi as a strong, reliable and passionate swimming teacher at many levels of teaching.  In 2016 my business partner left to return to New Zealand, and I was once again at a crossroad in my life. 

BIS Abu Dhabi had just opened their new 25m pool and being a parent in the school I volunteered to come assist with the swimming programme. This led to a fulltime position in the school where I coached from Nursery through to the Swim Squad. I established and ran a programme called “Swimfit” which allowed the Secondary children to develop their swimming skills and their water fitness

I then had an opportunity to work within another swim company. This gave me the opportunity to expand and enhance my coaching skills in competitive swimming and I had the pleasure of managing and running the Secondary swim squad programme for the school. I was also involved in the Water Polo Team and assisted with their coaching. 

I believe in BIS Abu Dhabi, having been a parent in this school since 2009, I have watched the school grow and flourish. I love the Ethos of BIS Abu Dhabi so once again I have the absolute pleasure of joining the PE department. I am excited about being a part of developing and taking the swimming department to the next level.