Nord Anglia Education
Nord Anglia
14 April, 2020

Message from the Principal: Making Time

Message from the Principal: Making Time - message-from-the-principal-making-time
Message from the Principal: Making Time
A message from the Principal, Patrick Horne.
Message from the Principal: Making Time A message from the Principal, Patrick Horne. A message from the Principal, Patrick Horne.

We all find ourselves in an unusual situation. Work lives, home lives and school lives have altered drastically, and this places us all in unfamiliar territory. Dealing with things which are new or unfamiliar can cause tensions and stress; sometimes such tensions go away through time and patience, and sometimes actions are needed too.

Our expectations can also change along within new situations. How many of us began the lockdown period thinking, “Oh, I’ll be able to get A, B and C done”? And now, a few weeks later, have we managed to get A, B and C done…? I know I haven’t got around to them yet! When we fail to meet our expectations, this can lead to guilt and an addition to other worries. 

We have gone from extremely busy lives to slightly less busy ones and, as with everything, we need to take positives and opportunities from this. I have heard people talking about doing jigsaws or playing board games again - those old activities really do stand the test of time! Others are being creative in some way with the art of music or craft. Children are discovering new activities and passions which they might not have encountered before.

It is a time to cherish being at home with family and to make the most of this. Planning some weekend time to do things together that normally you wouldn’t be able to in between all those car journeys to ballet or to rugby. We do not choose lockdown and we all hope it will end soon, however in the meantime there are plenty of opportunities for our children to learn and to grow. 

We think we have lots of time, but it is so easy for time to drift. The trick is to minimise the drift and make the most of what we have.

Patrick Horne