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News image Education Perfection! - education-perfection Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Education Perfection!
Last week, it was once again competition time on the online learning platform Education Perfect.
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News image 2022 Abu Dhabi Young Musician Competition - 2022-abu-dhabi-young-musician-competition Blog | category10 | Choosing A School
2022 Abu Dhabi Young Musician Competition
Calling all BIS Abu Dhabi musicians... the inaugural Abu Dhabi Young Musician (ADYM) Competition has launched!
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News image Introduction | BISambition - introduction-bisambition Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Introduction | BISambition
Introducing BISambition - a podcast created by students for students.
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News image Year 5 STEAM Challenge - year-5-steam-challenge Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Year 5 STEAM Challenge
During assembly time in Year 5, Mrs. Haake set the students an exciting STEAM challenge – building the strongest and tallest tower out of spaghetti and marshmallows.
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News image Maths Challenges - maths-challenges Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Maths Challenges
Earlier this term, a maths challenge board was set up in the Secondary maths corridor.
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News image Year 2 Superhero Day - year-2-superhero-day Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Year 2 Superhero Day
It was an exciting week for Year 2, who came to school dressed up as superheroes. They all looked amazing!
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News image Theatrical Clowning in Year 5 - theatrical-clowning-in-year-5 Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Theatrical Clowning in Year 5
Students have been exploring Theatrical Clowning, which is a scheme of work adapted from The Juilliard Creative Classroom.
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News image Year 6 STEAM Day - year-6-steam-day Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Year 6 STEAM Day
Year 6 explorers had an incredible final day of a busy half-term of learning, participating in STEAM activities.
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News image World Mental Health Day - world-mental-health-day Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
World Mental Health Day
Sunday, 10th October marks World Mental Health Day, the theme of which is ‘mental health in an unequal world.’
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News image PCR Testing Dates - pcr-testing-dates Blog | SchoolNews | School News
PCR Testing Dates
The dates for the next round of in-school PCR testing have been announced.
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News image Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) Registration - co-curricular-activities-ccas-registration Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) Registration
We are delighted to announce that Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) will commence for students in Year 2 and above from Sunday, 10th October.
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News image Expo 2020 - expo-2020 Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Expo 2020
Expo 2020 Dubai is just around the corner - get a sneak preview of all the fun and learning to be had!
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News image CCA Programme 2021-22 - cca-programme-2021-22 Blog | SchoolNews | School News
CCA Programme 2021-22
At the British International School Abu Dhabi, we are thrilled to announce an exciting and and wide-ranging programme of Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) to support and enhance our curriculum.
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News image Student Article: Enthralled by Preserving Life - student-article-enthralled-by-preserving-life Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Student Article: Enthralled by Preserving Life
Year 11 student Bianca has written an article about the four-week medical work experience that she completed.
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News image Year 11 IGCSE Drama - year-11-igcse-drama Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Year 11 IGCSE Drama
Year 11 IGCSE Drama students have been performing one of the three practical examination elements of IGCSE Drama this week.
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News image Year 6 Explorer Hook - year-6-explorer-hook Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Year 6 Explorer Hook
Year 6 are reading the award-winning adventure book ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell, alongside their rainforest topic focusing on deforestation.
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News image IB SEHS lesson - ib-sehs-lesson Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
IB SEHS lesson
IB Sport, Exercise and Health Science (SEHS) students have really enjoyed their immediate immersion into the practical nature of the SEHS course. The students have begun the course from a more biological perspective, enhancing their knowledge and understanding of elements of Anatomy previously explored at GCSE level (The Skeletal and Muscular Systems of the body).
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News image Return of Swimming - return-of-swimming Blog | SchoolNews | School News
Return of Swimming
It has been an excellent start of the week for our Year 3 - 9 students and their Physical Education curriculum with the reintroduction of their Swimming unit.
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