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News image Univer College Fair - Univer College Fair News | School News
Univer College Fair
On Monday, 6th February, BIS Abu Dhabi will be hosting the Univer On Campus College Fair.  Students from Year 11, 12 and 13 along with their parents are cordially invited to join the event to learn about the courses offered by 22 attending local universities.
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News image Message from the Head of Secondary - Head of Secondary News | School News
Message From The Head of Secondary
It was an honour and a privilege to welcome Professor Mary Carskadon to our school last week and to hear her speak to student and parent groups about the importance of sleep.  
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News image Sports Week - Sports Week News | School News
Sports Week

Are you ready for our Sports day week?

As previously communicated, our whole school sports day week kicks off this Monday, 6th February where our students will be sprinting, throwing, and jumping it out with their classmates, in the hope of bringing home the Sports Day glory for their respective houses!

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News image Louvre Trip Year 10-12 Art Students - Louvre Trip Year 10-12 Art Students News | School News
Louvre Trip Year 10-12 Art Students
Last week, students studying Visual Arts subjects at GCSE and IB level, got the opportunity to look at the world around them through different creative lenses.
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News image Kilimanjaro training Year 13 students - Kilimanjaro training Year 13 students News | School News
Kilimanjaro training Year 13 students
Over the past number of weeks, 22 of our IB students have been preparing for their up upcoming trip to Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.
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News image Year 5 Survival Day - Year 5 Survival Day News | School News
Year 5 Survival Day
Year 5 found themselves working together to survive today! The texts they have been reading in English, Michael Morpurgo’s ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ and ‘David Long’s ‘Survivors’, equipped them with the inspiration and determination to overcome many obstacles. 
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News image Sports Days schedule and call for Community Group Snack Shop volunteers - Sports Days schedule and call for Community Group volunteers News | School News
Sports Days schedule and call for Community Group Snack Shop volunteers
All timings for our upcoming Sports Days are now confirmed. Please take note of the dates and come along and cheer on our students on the field!
The parent volunteering group organising the snack shop at our Sports Days are looking for reinforcements. If you are happy to help, please sign up with your availability here
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News image Headteacher Commendation Award - Headteacher Commendation Award News | School News
Headteacher Commendation Award
Congratulations to Khaled in Year 9 who has been given a Headteacher's Commendation Award for his outstanding work on Oman in Social Studies!
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News image Juilliard Dance Visit - Juilliard Dance Visit News | School News
Juilliard Dance Visit
Our Juilliard Dance Specialist Helen Tocci, had a jam-packed two days at The British International School Abu Dhabi.
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News image House Shirt Friday - House Shirt Friday News | School News
House Shirt Friday
Today, the school was awash with house colours, as it was House Shirt Friday! Whilst in Primary students took part in a STEAM challenge to practise their leadership and team-work skills, the students in Secondary took part in an Interhouse Chess Challenge.
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News image Message from the Head of Primary - Message from the Head of Primary News | School News
Message from the Head of Primary
One of the things I love about my role is seeing those moments where children really connect. In a great school this is part of the weekly experience.
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News image International Maths Tournament - International Maths Tournament News | School News
International Maths Tournament
BIS Abu Dhabi hosted an international maths tournament against a school in the UK. Both schools livestreamed their UKMT relay tournaments head-to-head. 
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News image Parent workshop on Phishing - Parent workshop on Phishing News | School News
Parent workshop on Phishing

Join us for an informal workshop in the Forum on Wednesday 8th February at 7:40am to learn more about Phishing, Vishing and Smishing techniques cybercriminals use to obtain access to your personal data, financial details and ultimately your money.

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News image Year 1 Parents Mathematics Workshop - Year 1 Parents Mathematics Workshop News | School News
Year 1 Parents Mathematics Workshop

On Thursday morning, the Year 1 team invited parents into school to attend a Mathematics workshop.

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News image Year 11 Geography trip - Year 11 Geography trip News | School News
Year 11 Geography trip
Over the weekend of 13th - 15th January the Year 11 Geographers took part in some amazing fieldwork.
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News image Year 6 to Year 7 Progression Evening - Year 6 to Year 7 Progression Evening News | School News
Year 6 to Year 7 Progression Evening
This event will provide further information about our Secondary School, including pastoral care, timetabling and expectations. Please confirm your availability by completing this form
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News image Parent out and about at Mazarra Organic Farm - Parent out and about at Mazarra Organic Farm News | School News
Parent out and about at Mazarra Organic Farm

22 of our lovely parents enjoyed their visit to the Mazaraa Organic Farm.

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News image Half Term Camp at BIS Abu Dhabi - Half Term Camp at BIS Abu Dhabi News | School News
Half Term Camp at BIS Abu Dhabi
We are delighted to announce that Infinite Sports, our third party CCA provider are hosting their first camp at BIS Abu Dhabi during the February Half Term from 13th-17th February from 8am – 3pm. 
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News image Wellbeing Workshop for Parents: Promoting healthy sleep habits in your child - Promoting healthy sleep habits in your child News | School News
Wellbeing Workshop for Parents
Join us for a workshop with a world leading expert in paediatric sleep. We are honoured to host the world's leading paediatric sleep expert Professor Mary Carskadon, who has undertaken five decades of sleep research in children and adolescents.
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News image IGCSE Information Evening - IGCSE Information Evening News | School News
IGCSE Information Evening
This week we opened our doors to current and prospective Year 9 parents, who are about to begin the IGCSE options process.
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