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News image Let's Talk: Cyber-bullying - lets-talk-cyber-bullying Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Let's Talk: Cyber-bullying
At BIS Abu Dhabi we take cyber-bullying very seriously. Whilst technological advancement has its benefits on students’ lives and achievement, we are mindful of the potential for bullying to occur. We strongly believe that all pupils have a right not to be bullied and that bullying is always unacceptable.
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News image TEDx Youth - tedx-youth Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
TEDx Youth
TEDx is an event that is planned and coordinated independently, on a community-by-community basis. We are proud to announce that our school will be coordinating a TEDxYouth@BISAbuDhabi event on 26th March 2019.
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News image Reflections from the Year 10 Tanzania Service trip - reflections-from-the-year-10-tanzania-service-trip Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Reflections from the Year 10 Tanzania Service trip
Mahra, a Year 10 student at The British International School Abu Dhabi, writes about her experience travelling to Tanzania as part of a school Service trip.
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News image The Learning Zone - the-learning-zone Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
The Learning Zone
Principal Patrick Horne writes about how in education, there is a specific zone which teachers subconsciously use every day. It is also useful for parents to know about to help assist their children at home.
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News image Message from the Principal: Examination Results - message-from-the-principal-examination-results Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Message from the Principal: Examination Results
It is a real pleasure to welcome everyone to the British International School Abu Dhabi for the new academic year. For our returning families and our new families, we wish you and your children every success.
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News image Ramadan Kareem! - ramadan-kareem Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Ramadan Kareem!
As we look forward to celebrating the holy month of Ramadan, we wish all of our Muslim families in the community a blessed month at this special time of the year.
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News image Why Good Sleep is Vital - why-good-sleep-is-vital Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Why Good Sleep is Vital
Our Head of Secondary, Mr. Irving, writes about why a good night's sleep is incredibly important for health.
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News image Downtime - Not a Myth, but a Necessary Reality - downtime--not-a-myth-but-a-necessary-reality Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Downtime - Not a Myth, but a Necessary Reality
As a community of learners, our lives are often frantic with deadlines to meet, planning to be done, skills to be mastered and knowledge to be absorbed. All of us are accustomed to sustained hard work of course, but sometimes we forget to build in some ‘downtime’, to relax and recharge those metaphorical mental and physical batteries.
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News image Message from the Principal: Term 3 - message-from-the-principal-term-3 Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Message from the Principal: Term 3
Our Principal Patrick Horne warmly welcomes our families back from Spring break for the start of Term 3. He discusses what is coming up in term 3, as well as term dates for the 2018/19 academic year.
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News image Signs that your child may be too stressed - signs-that-your-child-may-be-too-stressed Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Signs that your child may be too stressed
Stress is part of everyday life, but how do you know if your child is overwhelmed? Here are some signs to consider if you think that your child might be stressed and what you can do as a parent to help them cope.
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News image Animal Welfare Campaign - animal-welfare-campaign Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Animal Welfare Campaign
The PTA, in coordination with the Senior Service leaders group, Animal Aces, will be running an animal welfare awareness campaign throughout the school this month.
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News image Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve - ebbinghaus-forgetting-curve Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve
Forgetting happens very quickly and many of us will forget more than 50% of information within the first few days after learning it. So how can we prevent this happening? The answer is in regular reviewing, starting soon after the initial learning and then continuing on for subsequent occasions.
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News image IB Believers - ib-believers Blog | category10 | Choosing A School | Featured | Posts From Our People
IB Believers
In this first of a series of articles on the IB programme, Mr. Kenning, our Head of Senior School, celebrates its impact and value.
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News image Parents Survey 2017 - parents-survey-2017 Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
Parents Survey 2017
Thanks to all parents who completed our Parents Survey last term and all those who regularly come into school to discuss their children’s education. Your ongoing communication and support for the school is greatly appreciated. The results of the Parents Survey are extremely useful for us in terms of confirming what is going well at school as well as highlighting the next stages of development.
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News image ‘The Achievosaurs’ in EYFS - the-achievosaurs-in-eyfs Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
‘The Achievosaurs’ in EYFS
At BIS Abu Dhabi we like to focus not only on what children are learning, but also on how they are learning. This term we have introduced learning dinosaurs ‘The Achievosaurs’ in our Early Years classes, which are based on the characteristics of effective learning from the EYFS framework.
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News image Enter the Global Classroom Visual Arts Competition - enter-the-global-classroom-visual-arts-competition Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
Enter the Global Classroom Visual Arts Competition
Calling all BIS artists… welcome to this year’s visual arts competition! Students at BIS Abu Dhabi, along with the Nord Anglia Education network of schools, have been invited to take part in creating art inspired by one of the winning Creative Writing Competition entries. Selected artworks will be published in the Creative Writing & Visual Arts Anthology 2016-17.
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News image Tanzania Expedition - tanzania-expedition Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
Tanzania Expedition
This December, GCSE and IB students will be travelling to Tanzania in a life-changing experience as they attempt to make a lasting impact on the local community of Arusha.
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News image Teacher Training, CSI - teacher-training-csi Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
Teacher Training, CSI
As a school with an international reputation, plus part of Nord Anglia Education, we are able to attract some highly experienced and talented teachers to join our team. In addition to this, it is then crucial that the ongoing professional development of our teachers is of the highest standard. Our teachers then continue to learn as part of BIS Abu Dhabi, remain at BIS Abu Dhabi and can offer more to their classes for many years to come.
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News image British International School Awards 2017 - british-international-school-awards-2017 Blog | category11 | Featured | Posts From Our People
British International School Awards 2017
We are very pleased to be able to inform everyone that BIS Abu Dhabi has been nominated and shortlisted for the British International School Awards 2017.
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