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News image Let's Talk: Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children - lets-talk-promoting-positive-mental-health-in-children Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Let's Talk: Promoting Positive Mental Health in Children
World Mental Health Day, 10 October, is a day to help raise student’s awareness of mental health. Why is Mental Health an important topic to promote in our school and at home?
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News image Benefits of Co-curricular Activities | BIS Abu Dhabi - lets-talk-benefits-of-ccas-to-the-overall-development-and-wellbeing-of-a-child Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Let’s Talk: Benefits of CCAs to the Overall Development and Wellbeing of a Child
The aim of education is not just about academic attainment or whether a student is achieving exemplary test scores; it is in fact about developing an all-rounded student in all aspects. This includes the student’s intellectual, social, physical and moral capabilities, and it is important that your child strikes a balance in all these aspects.
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News image Personal Development - personal-development Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Personal Development
A key aspect of schools today is a focus on supporting the overall development of every single student. This includes personal and social development in addition to academic development and can provide a wider range of opportunities than ever before.
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News image Message from the Principal: 2019 Examination Success - message-from-the-principal-2019-examination-success Blog | SchoolNews | Posts From Our People | School News
Message from the Principal: 2019 Examination Success
Students at both IB and IGCSE have achieved outstanding results and it is such a reward for their hard work as well as acknowledgement of the fantastic support from their teachers and parents.
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News image Message from the Principal: End of Term Reflections - message-from-the-principal-end-of-term-reflections Blog | SchoolNews | Posts From Our People | School News
Message from the Principal: End of Term Reflections
So we reach the end of yet another busy and successful year at the British International School Abu Dhabi. It is a time for reflection and celebration as students, parents and teachers get to relive the achievements of the year.
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News image Let's Talk... School Transitions - How Can Parents Make it Easier? - lets-talk-school-transitions--how-can-parents-make-it-easier Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People | School News
Let's Talk... School Transitions - How Can Parents Make it Easier?
Moving to secondary school or changing school can be difficult for anyone. To help smooth the transition we have put together our top tips on helping your child prepare for starting secondary school, switching to a new school or even moving up to the next year group.
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News image Let’s Talk... Teens and Sleep - lets-talk-teens-and-sleep Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Let’s Talk... Teens and Sleep
Teenagers need extra sleep to help them change into adults. The time shift could also be explained by simple social issues like young people trying to stay up later than their parents or socialising late.
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News image Student Profile: Macarena, Year 7 - student-profile-macarena-year-7 Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Student Profile: Macarena, Year 7
Our student profile this week is Macarena from Year 7, the twin of David who was featured last week.
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News image Message from Head of Primary: BSME Games - message-from-head-of-primary-bsme-games Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Message from Head of Primary: BSME Games
450 students representing 16 schools and 6 countries gathered at our school over the weekend as we proudly hosted the British Schools in the Middle East (BSME) under 11 Games.
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News image Let's Talk: Child Protection - lets-talk-child-protection Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Let's Talk: Child Protection
Parenting has its doubt! Some days are better than others, however one thing we all want for our children is for them to be safe from harm, always. Although child protection can be a sensitive topic, it's a very important one and the earlier we teach our children how to keep safe the better.
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News image Switzerland MUN Trip - switzerland-mun-trip Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Switzerland MUN Trip
Students from BIS Abu Dhabi joined the regional Model United Nations with schools across Europe and the Middle East held on 8 and 9 February. At this two-day regional event hosted at La Côte International School (LCIS) in Aubonne Switzerland, BIS Abu Dhabi and fellow NAE students aged 11 to 14 took on the role of delegates from participating countries in the actual United Nations.
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News image BIS Abu Dhabi joins Model United Nations as students debate education, inequality and territorial issues - bisabudhabijoinsmodelunitednationsasstudentsdebateeducationinequalityandterritorialissues Blog | category11 | Choosing A School | Posts From Our People
BIS Abu Dhabi joins Model United Nations as students debate education, inequality and territorial issues
Empowering our students to be world-changers is something central to every Nord Anglia Education school. We encourage them to share their thoughts on pressing global issues and to be ambitious about their role in making our world a better place through global-mindedness and active leadership.
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News image Message from the Principal: Teacher Training - message-from-the-principal-teacher-training Blog | category11 | Posts From Our People
Message from the Principal: Teacher Training
The most important things about schools are the people in them. That encompasses the students, the parents and of course all the members of staff. With regard to giving our students the best possible education and learning opportunities, this falls to those colleagues who play the crucial role of teacher.
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