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The Village School
July 05, 2024

IDEA Superstar

IDEA Superstar - IDEA Superstar
IDEA Superstar
When Aria K. started the 3rd grade, she faced a challenge she never expected. “When I moved up, I got separated from all my friends. We had been together for three years, and being apart from them was just a horrible feeling,” said Aria.

Although Aria quickly made new friends, the initial experience of feeling separated and alone left a strong impact on her. She began to think about her other classmates, especially the international students. The Village School has students from all over the world. “If I felt that way and I’m from the area, I couldn’t even imagine how the new international students must feel, especially if they’re not familiar with the school culture or the language,” said Aria.


It was during this time that Aria conceived an idea centered around inclusion. For a school project, she presented a concept of inclusivity, which was so well-received that it inspired her to write a book.


At just nine years old, Aria published her first book, "I.D.E.A Superstar," which stands for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Awareness. Her book aims to educate children about these important concepts and encourage them to apply these principles in their daily lives. “An I.D.E.A Superstar is someone who embraces inclusion and diversity and understands the difference between equality and equity,” Aria explained.


Unlike traditional stories centered around a single character, Aria's book emphasizes that every child who embraces these principles can be an I.D.E.A Superstar. Through engaging content and relatable scenarios, her book encourages kids to practice inclusion, appreciate diversity, and understand the difference between equality and equity in their daily lives. Aria's unique approach empowers young readers to see themselves as agents of positive change, making a meaningful impact in their communities.


"The purpose of my book is to bring awareness of inclusion, diversity, and equity to kids around my age and show them how they can apply these principles in their daily lives," she said.


Amy Melton, Cultural Acclimation Specialist at The Village School, said she’s so proud of Aria and her leadership. "It's truly remarkable for a nine-year-old to publish a book; it's an incredible achievement. We believe in fostering a growth mindset in our students, encouraging them to believe in their potential and capabilities. It's important to give children ownership and the confidence that they can achieve more than they might initially think possible," said Melton.


Aria has seen a great response from her classmates too. In fact, within the first month, Aria sold over 100 copies of her book. "When my book got published, I was glad to see that all of them bought it for two reasons: one, because they wanted to support my idea, and secondly, all the money collected from selling books was going to a charity called Save the Children,” said Aria.


Aria chose Save the Children because of its focus on helping children, aligning with the theme and mission of her book. "This book is mostly for children, and that charity supports children, so I thought it would be a perfect charity to send the money to," Aria explained.


In addition to supporting the charity, Aria is also making a positive impact on her peers. She participates in the Cultural Acclimation Program (CAP) at The Village School, which helps new students from outside of Houston adjust to the city and the United States. "Aria plays a significant role in this program as one of the CAP leaders, mentoring new students and helping them feel welcome and develop a sense of belonging. We are so proud of her," said Melton.


As for Aria, she plans to write more books in the future. "I believe that books have the power to teach us amazing things. So yes, I have a few ideas bouncing in my head, but you never know," said Aria. 

Aria even appeared in local television to talk about her program and the inspiration behind it. Watch her interview here.


Aria’s book “I.D.E.A Superstar” is available on Amazon.