From Year 4 onwards, your child will enjoy an annual residential trip in the Philippines.
Each adventure is aligned with the curriculum and packed with hands-on experiences that enhance our students’ understanding of teamwork and leadership, while building self-confidence and independence. For many, it’s the highlight of their year.
Our experienced staff will guide your child through various outdoor activities, like camping and hiking, which provide hands-on learning opportunities in a safe and supportive setting.
Students also learn about the local environment, history, and culture. Residentials encourage our students to engage with the natural world and develop a deeper appreciation of sustainability, too. Your child will also interact with local communities, gaining a first-hand understanding of different ways of life.
Our students have the power to change the world. That’s why we offer tangible opportunities for them to engage with local and global issues, understand the challenges facing society, and make a real difference – now and in the future.
Your child will stand up for what they believe in and make their voice heard through our exclusive collaboration with UNICEF. They’ll learn about pressing international issues – like the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Rights of the Child agendas – and research, debate, and present solutions through collaborative projects on Global Campus.
Locally, our students come together to support charities like ShelterBox, a humanitarian organisation that provides disaster relief to Filipino communities. Our students also see the impact of their work through fundraising events and by collecting essential items for for children with cancer.