LanguageOne is a leading international organisation that offers high-quality mother tongue programmes to students who learn in an international environment. Each programme gives children the opportunity to develop their native language skills in a safe and enjoyable setting.
Integrated into our curriculum, LanguageOne Doha provides Dutch language and culture education to 80 Dutch speaking students. Our Dutch curriculum is based on theme-oriented education, with dedicated Dutch classrooms and an extensive Dutch Library available at the Gharaffa Campus. We also adhere to Dutch assessment guidelines, aiming to assess, encourage, and develop each student at their individual level. This approach provides our students with a safe and enjoyable environment to enhance their native language skills.
Parents have three programme options for their children:
- Integrated into the daily program at the Gharaffa Campus.
- After-school classes at Gharaffa.
- Dutch A for our IB-students at the Madina Khalifa Campus.
In addition to the Dutch curriculum, we offer enriching extracurricular activities, including Dutch and Flemish cultural hours. These sessions provide valuable insights into Dutch and Flemish society and culture, allowing students to connect with the Netherlands and Belgium while celebrating Dutch and Belgian traditions.
Parents can get in touch with our local LanguageOne Director, Renske Maandag, at or +968 9936 8177
You can also get in touch with our local LanguageOne teachers:
- Hamiyet Ardic –
- Denise Hakkens – - +974 3361 5848
- Hind Ait Khouya Lahsen – - +974 5054 0558
Alternatively, you can visit the website or Facebook page.
De lokale adviesraad - DAB
De betrokkenheid van ouders is voor elke LanguageOne locatie geformaliseerd in een lokale adviesraad. De lokale adviesraad in Doha is de Dutch Advisory Board, hierna genoemd “DAB”, en bestaat uit ouders/verzorgers van leerlingen van LanguageOne. Er wordt naar gestreefd dat alle locaties waar les wordt gegeven en het naschoolse programma in de DAB zijn vertegenwoordigd.
De DAB kijkt met een strategische blik naar de ontwikkeling van de locatie en brengt, vanuit inhoudelijk, economisch, en maatschappelijk perspectief, gevraagd en ongevraagd, advies uit betreffende de kwaliteit en continuïteit van het Nederlandse taalprogramma aan zowel LanguageOne als ook aan Compass International School. Het beleid met betrekking tot de adviesraad is vastgelegd in het Reglement Dutch Advisory Board.
Ouders/verzorgers kunnen te allen tijde contact opnemen met de DAB via
Local advisory council - DAB
At every LanguageOne location, parents' involvement is formalised through a local advisory council. The local advisory council in Doha is the Dutch Advisory Board (DAB), which consists of parents and/or guardians of LanguageOne students. The Board ensures that students from all campuses are represented.
The DAB monitors the development of the programme and advises LanguageOne and our school on issues to do with the quality and continuity of what we deliver. The policy is embedded in local advisory council regulations.
You can get in touch with the DAB at any time on: