Nicole Rudden

Grade Level Leader and Teacher of Drama
Nicole Rudden

As a Drama teacher, I am dedicated to creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment where students feel comfortable taking creative risks and expressing themselves. I commit myself to delivering innovative and and engaging teaching methods, to help students develop a well-rounded understanding of Theatre. My main goal in the classroom is to inspire and motivate my students to explore their creativity and to use Drama and its ability to foster confidence, critical thinking and empathy. When not in school, I love to travel and experience new cultures and cuisines. I'm also an avid reader and nothing makes me happier than getting to spend time with my son. I have lived in different parts of South East Asia, but Cambodia has a special place in my heart. I'm thrilled to be working at Northbridge where I continue to grow as an educator who inspires and empowers throughout their learning experience.

Qualifications: MA Applied Theatre (Goldsmiths, University of London); QTS (Graduate Teacher Programme - GTC); BA (hons) Drama and Theatre Arts (Staffordshire University).