Cade Sommerville

MYP Design Curriculum Leader, Personal Project Coordinator
Cade Sommerville

I am a design teacher from England with a passion for design thinking, making things, tinkering, cooking and spending time being active in the great outdoors. Before moving to Cambodia I worked in both Thailand and the UK. I’ve enjoyed my time exploring Cambodia so far. In my teaching, I emphasize the importance of hands-on learning and experimentation. I encourage my students to prototype, test, and iterate on their ideas. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, hiking, fishing, and playing a range of ball sports.

I believe that design is a powerful tool for solving problems and creating a better world. I am excited to share my passion for design with my students and to help them develop the skills they need to become successful designers.

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science, Leeds Metropolitan University; Post Graduate Certificate in Education, University of Nottingham