24 September, 2024

Action Learning Camps

As part of our wider curriculum to develop our Grade 10, 11 and 12 students, all three grade levels recently travelled to destinations within Cambodia for three-day experiential learning programmes.


By Andrew Luke

Secondary Math Teacher


The Action Learning Camps (ALCs) aimed to foster a sense of belonging, focusing on teamwork and leadership skills. Each day offered new opportunities for students to explore essential skills for their final years at NISC and beyond. Whether visiting the Phare Circus, where performers use theater, music, dance, and modern circus arts to tell uniquely Cambodian stories; building rafts and tackling obstacle courses; or participating in group challenges on the beaches of Sihanoukville, the goal was to encourage students to engage with peers they might not usually interact with, helping them discover their strengths and weaknesses. The aim was to make learning feel natural and enjoyable. Many students also saw this as a final chance to bond with friends before heading to universities worldwide.

These sessions addressed real-life leadership and teamwork challenges, promoting self-reflection and growth. Through these experiences, many valuable lessons were learned, and the students proved to themselves and others just how capable they can be.