10 September, 2024

A Sense of Belonging at NISC

A Sense of Belonging at NISC - A Sense of Belonging at NISC
A Sense of Belonging at NISC

By Robert Alexander

Deputy Head Pastoral (Secondary) 

An OECD study in 2019 found that 1 in 4 students globally felt they did not belong in school. But what does a sense of belonging actually mean? How can it impact a child’s success at school? And how do we foster a sense of belonging at NISC?

To belong is considered a fundamental aspect of being human, making us part of something greater than ourselves. A sense of belonging is a core psychological need that almost all people seek to satisfy. It can predict numerous mental, physical, social, economic, and behavioral outcomes. Additionally, it can be considered a state - a situation-specific feeling of positive connection to people, places, and experiences.


The Benefits of Creating a Sense of Belonging for Students

In a school setting, a sense of belonging encompasses feeling accepted, valued, included, and encouraged by others—both teachers and peers. It involves feeling oneself to be an important part of the school’s life and activities (Goodenow, 1993).

Creating a high sense of belonging positively impacts three key areas:

  1. Improved Wellbeing: Students who feel they belong are generally happier and more satisfied with their school experience.
  2. Better Mental Health: A strong sense of belonging is linked to lower levels of anxiety and depression.
  3. Academic Success: Students who feel connected to their school are more likely to succeed academically and are more inclined to be themselves. They show higher levels of effort, interest, and motivation, enjoy challenging learning activities, and are often concerned about and help others.

How do we create a sense of belonging at NISC

At NISC, a sense of belonging underpins our values of “Caring Hearts, Ambitious Minds” and is central to our Secondary School Strategic Development Plan. This plan outlines our ambitions for a school where all children feel accepted, valued, and included. We take a holistic approach that focuses on developing a positive school spirit and fostering a constructive perception of school among our students.

Here are just a few examples of how we continue to build a sense of belonging at NISC:

  • International Life Skills (ILS) Program: Developed by Miss Erica, our school counselor, this program provides opportunities for students to develop essential skills for connection and belonging. It focuses on relationship-building, emotional regulation, communication, conflict resolution, and enhancing self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.
  • Academic Lessons: In class, students are encouraged to embody key IB learner profiles, including being caring, open-minded, and principled - qualities that contribute to a sense of belonging.
  • Grade Level Leaders and Advisors: These leaders promote a sense of belonging within Advisory groups, encouraging personalized displays in their rooms to showcase the group and celebrate their successes.
  • House System: All Secondary students are allocated to one of the four Houses—Ibises, Elephants, Cobras, and Stingrays. Led by student House Captains, students participate in a variety of house activities, fostering collaboration across different grade levels.
  • LEAP Program: Launched recently, this program offers a range of exciting activities for students to engage in, providing wonderful opportunities to connect with peers from different advisory groups and grade levels.
  • Social Spaces: Students are encouraged to utilize various social spaces at NISC to interact and engage with each other before school, during recess, and at lunchtime, further enhancing their sense of belonging.

Building and developing a true sense of belonging for all our students at NISC is a collaborative effort. We look forward to continuing to work with all our students, parents, and staff in the school community to ensure this remains at the heart of everything we do. Together, we can create an environment where every student feels valued and connected, paving the way for their success both academically and personally.