23 May, 2024

The PYP Exhibition sees Grade 5 Northbridge students apply what they have learned to real world situations

The PYP Exhibition sees Grade 5 Northbridge students apply what they have learned to real world situations - The PYP Exhibition sees Northbridge students apply what they have learned to real world situations
The PYP Exhibition sees Grade 5 Northbridge students apply what they have learned to real world situations

By Donita Bell
PYP Coordinator

During the Grade 5 PYP Exhibition at Northbridge International School Cambodia, "action" refers to the meaningful steps or initiatives taken by our students in Phnom Penh as a result of their learning and research during the Exhibition process.

This could involve raising awareness about a particular issue, starting a project, advocating for change, or making a positive impact in their community based on their exhibition findings and inquiries. It is a key component of the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) as it encourages students to apply what they have learned to real-world situations and promote responsible citizenship at a local and global level.


All in all, Action is powerful. The Primary Years Programme (PYP) has five types of Action:


  • Participation
  • Advocacy
  • Social Justice
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Lifestyle Choices


What does 'Action' look like at NISC?

During this six week period we have seen plenty of examples of Action resulting from our research into issues targeting the Sustainable Development Goals, those which most appeal to our interest and intent to make a difference in our world. Action projects are currently in full swing by our Grade 5 students. Here are just some of the Actions occurring now.



These groups have put their action to targeting the local problem of plastic waste in and around NISC:


Plastic Pollution Ely, Rita, Ruby, Meyling and Monina, are targeting the SDG 15 'Life on Land'. They chose this issue because "Around our country of Cambodia we see so much plastic and it seems that no one is taking care of our land." The action they have chosen is placing boxes around our NISC community to collect as much plastic as they can to donate to a community called ‘Trash is Nice’. They will then up-cycle the plastics to create more objects from recycled plastic.


Eco Avengers Pathema, Leaksny and Soma have given an information presentation to all Grade 2 to 5 classes. They created a survey to find out what each student knew about plastic, then designed a bag and t-shirt and asked Grade 2, 3, 4 and 5 who is taking action to pick up the trash around the school, and will also show how much rubbish there is within school.



These groups are working towards issues at a local level that are influencing problems affecting us globally:


Deforestation is a focus for one group who have started a club to encourage students to plant more trees. Every lunch time, the group, Vuth, Seihank and Sovichet, work with their mentor Mr Danny. They plant seeds in pots with the Grade 4B students. This club is raising awareness for the SDG Climate Action and Life on Land.


Clothes Recycling group members Siana and Erica are trying to address the SDG of Global Warming through Climate Action: SDG 13. These girls went to work at the ‘Clothesline Boutique’ which is a thrift shop that supports 12 NGOs, such as Rainwater Cambodia and the Animal Rescue Center to name a couple. The girls learned business skills and the knowledge that Cambodia produces large amounts of fashion and textiles in the many factories situated in Phnom Penh. Factories are throwing away their defective clothes as well as unwanted textiles and fabric from communities that go to landfill. Much of the unwanted towels, water bottles and clothing collected by their Action workplace are donated to people in provinces who don’t have access to these resources.


Sustainable Fashion group, Sophia, Neka and Yushan have just completed their Secondhand Clothes Swap which was very successful in our NISC community. Staff and students joined in the fun of finding some clothes to swap, and all clothes went to a new home. Their contribution to SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production was to lessen the clothes waste in our community. It had many positive outcomes as well as made many people happy to have some new fashion to take home. Remember: swap don’t shop!



You will see all this valuable work in the PYP Exhibition held Thursday 30 May and Friday 31 May. We are super proud of our Grade 5s and the many teachers and staff who have been mentors and experts to advise and support their groups. Well done NISC!