03 February, 2023

Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students

Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students - Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students
Why Northbridge Action Learning Camps are such a wonderful opportunity for our students

Tim Bell
Grade 4/5 Leader

Many events have occurred this year at Northbridge International School Cambodia that have been missing for a few years, parents in classrooms for meetings, packed audiences for our Secondary production, International Day, numerous sports events, overseas cultural trips and countless local field trips. All these events have one thing in common, an opportunity for new experiences.

The same thing can be said about our Action Learning Camps coming up in a few weeks. Starting on the 13th February all grades from 6 to grade 11 are heading to exciting destinations, with the grade 4 and 5 classes heading out on Thursday 16th


Yes, it is a wonderful opportunity, but for some of us in Grade 4 and 5 it will be the first time we take that leap to not only leave the school campus for more than 48 hours but not to sleep in our own beds. There are many emotions such as nervousness, anxiety and fear floating around and not just from the children. Taking that leap provides so many opportunities and new experiences.


A school camp can;


1. Build up self-confidence: In a safe environment children get to try new activities which challenge them, a new opportunity to succeed, to learn, to overcome a fear and even fail a few times along the way but try, try again.


2. Foster independence: It could be the first time a child is away from a parent or family member. They will have to manage their own things, do jobs that they usually don’t do and be responsible for a group.


3. Build relationships: It is a wonderful opportunity to make connections with new friends and old friends. Teachers and students see each other in a new light, stronger relationships are built. 


4. Disconnect from the digital world: Games and conversations with real people for 72 hours without a screen in sight can only be good thing.


5. Foster outdoor learning: School camps allows the children to get out of the classroom and engage in meaningful activities that build skills, teamwork and even connect well with what they have been learning in the classroom.


Taking the leap can be a difficult decision at first but the opportunities and new experiences that result from this decision are indisputable and completely worthwhile. I for one, can’t wait.