12 October, 2022

How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge

How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge - How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge
How we are developing IT in education at Northbridge

Mark Newton
Mathematics teacher and Edtech lead 

As a teacher with a background in information communications technology, I understand why it is easy to feel left behind – Web 3.0, NFTs , the metaverse, hyperautomation, extended reality, gamification, augmented reality, quantum computing, “Internet of things" ... even if you have heard of some of these words, how many people really know what they are or what their potential is? And while the “distributed cloud” sounds like a rainy day at Northbridge International School Cambodia, it really has nothing to do with the weather.

Technology and, by extension, terminology moves at such a rapid pace, it is no wonder that we sometimes find it difficult to keep up.

Yet, no one would deny how useful technology has become within the classroom. As a tool that helps engage students, enhance learning, and thereby help students achieve their goals, it has proved invaluable. Traditional learning methods are being replaced with new methods involving technology. It is used by teachers to facilitate both independent and collaborative learning and bring new experiences into the classroom.


1“When we give students the ed tech tools that empower and inspire them to learn today, we are giving them their best chance at a better tomorrow.”


However, of equal importance is the development of students’ digital literacy skills as these are fundamental in preparing them for a digital future. Workplace roles that involve analytical and collaboration-based skills are rapidly increasing, with the future work of graduates expected to be based around digital workspaces. If students are not exposed to technology and taught how to use it appropriately, they will fall behind their peers – research skills, discerning the difference between reliable and unreliable information, using the Internet safely, collaborating and being able to synthesize knowledge are important skill sets to prepare students for life outside of school.

With such rapid development over the last 10 years, envisaging the future of technology and applying it in a learning environment can be a challenge. To continue to meet this challenge here at NISC, we have formed a digital steering committee, bringing staff together with a broad range of skills from across the school, with the aim of developing the use of technology and plan the next stages of our whole school technology strategy. Together, we will be looking at how we can make further use of the opportunities presented by technology to stimulate the learning experience of the students and develop their digital skills for life beyond school.

I, for one, am excited to see what technologies will help enhance learning in the near future. Whilst technology cannot yet act as a replacement for teachers, when used in the right way, it can be used to expand learning opportunities for our students and better meet their future needs.


1Petersen, Ryan. “Educators Use Technology to Expand Learning Opportunities.” EdTech Magazine, 15 Apr. 2022, https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2022/04/educators-use-technology-expand-learning-opportunities